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Along the bank of the river, I pant, rushing up the hill. My father is waiting for me, a picnic basket in his hand, and a smile on his face. As I reach his side, he holds his hand out, and my sticky fingers melt in his palm.

"How is my princess?" he asks, pulling me towards the blanket. I pluck a few flowers on the way, placing them in the middle of the checkered quilt.

"Okay," I reply, and I settle myself in his lap, excited for the food.

His chest rumbles against my back as he laughs, pulling out two sandwiches and giving me the one in the shape of a star. I happily take a bite, the peanut butter thick.

"How was your mother?"

"Good!" I chirp, quickly finishing my sandwich.

He's about to reply when a howl slices the air, his body tense. I look around, afraid, and nestle my face into my father's neck. It sounds closer the second time, and then more pipe in.

"Sof," my father whispers in my ear, "I want you to run."

I shake my head violently, tears brimming my eyes. I can see the battle in his eyes, torn between wanting to stay with me, and wanting to make sure I was safe.

"Daddy," I sniffle, but he edges me towards the river once more, a quick way home.

"Go to mommy, Angel. Do not look back."

I start to run like he wants, my dress flying in the wind. Tears brand my cheeks, blurring my vision, and I trip. My knees are skinned, bleeding in a slow, steady stream. The wolves scream in the wind, frightening me, and I make it home as fast as I can.

In front of me, my mother stands there, her back to me as her body sways. I step forward, crying and scared, but her body freezes in the spot and turns towards me. I'm facing my mother, blood dripping down her chest and staining the ground. Almost choking on tears, my mother looks at me, crying, and then collapses on the ground.


Welcome to my first werewolf story!  I hope you come to love the story of Sofia as much as I do.  Cheers♥

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