Twenty-Three (Rated R)

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There is a scene towards the end.  Just wanted to give a warning.


A Year Later

Gripping the brush in my hand, I take it through my hair slowly before leaning back against the chair, closing my eyes. The sunlight that was streaming through the window warmed my skin, and I heard Sebastian's footsteps downstairs as he moved around.

Getting up from my chair, I took slow steps to the kitchen, smiling as I watch him move around effortlessly. The towel that he kept on his shoulder began to slide off, and he grabbed it before it hit the floor, popping the dough in the oven.

I smile a little to myself, chewing on my lip as his cheeks, pink with warmth, pull up into a delicate smile as his eyes took in my appearance.

"Hey, beautiful."

My smile grows as I walk over to him, tangling my fingers around his neck. "Hey yourself."

"Are you packed?"

Looking away, I slowly nod, pulling myself away. "Can I ask you a question, Sebastian?"


I take a deep breath, untangling myself from his arms. "All of the years we've been together...  After learning everything about you, with the wolves, I wanted to ask why you cheated on me."

He looks away, obvious pain in his eyes, and bites his lower lip. "I did it because I knew you deserved better than me. Your mate was out there waiting on you, and I wanted you to myself, but I knew how much you loved me and vice versa. I thought that if I pushed you away,you would hate me enough to love them."

"And Fynn was my mate?" I ask again, watching him nod. "Why can't I choose who I want to be with?"

"You can, Sofia. I swear, you can."

I look away, sighing. "I wish none of it ever happened, Sebastian. I think you and I would have been so much happier had you never cheated, and had my grand-mère never died."

"We would have, and I am so sorry. I know I can never make up for it, but I want to. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I am eternally yours, Sofia."

I smile a little, looking at the open window. "Because you cannot have a mate, right?"

"Even if I could, I would forever love you. You stole my heart the first day we met."

Laughing a little, I roll my eyes and push away from him, smiling. "I appreciate the way you feel, Sebastian. Have you packed yet?"

"No. I will though. I'll be back, love."

I nod, reclining in the chair as I wait for him, and close my eyes.

"Who will be picking us up?" I ask, grabbing my luggage. Sebastian looks around, settling on placing his bag in front of him.

"Your aunt is supposed to. I don't know where she's at."

Taking a seat, I hum to myself as Sebastian leaves to get us something to drink. I play on my phone, staring intently on the game. It takes me a few seconds to register the shadow that crosses over my phone, and when I look up, my heart skips a beat.

"Hey, Sofia."

Looking around quickly, I stand up, knocking my bags over. "What are you doing here?" I ask suddenly, taking a few cautious steps back.

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