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The bell rings, and I'm out of the class faster than anyone else. I feel the food start to come up, and I take deep breaths to settle the beating of my heart. Fynn meets me outside, grabbing my arm before I could move away from him.

"Hey, kitten." he murmurs, pulling me against him. I feel myself start to calm down, and I stifle the want to cry. "Is everything okay?"

I hear his laughter, and soon, it cuts off. Fynn is glaring at him, his eyes dark and murderous, while Malcom bows his head like a puppy. "What did I tell you about staying away from her?" he growls.

"There's nothing I can do when she's in my class," Malcom snips back, and I feel Fynn tense up.

Before anything else is said, Fynn pulls me away, and I listen to my stomach growl. "What do you want to eat, kitten?" he asks.

His voice is tense as he talks to me, and I feel guilty for the way I acted earlier. "Just a salad, please."

"What, no chicken?"

Shaking my head, I give him a little smile in which he returns. "I'm a vegetarian."

He gasps playfully, holding his chest. "My future wife is a vegetarian? Never!"

I let the comment slip, and when he notices, the grin on his face only seems to increase. Fynn pulls me against him, his hand against my waist as we walk into the cafeteria. I see my cousins walk in, and the twins rush over to us with smiles on their faces. Jonah and Evan are not too far behind.

"Guys!" Leah yells out, tackling the two of us. I stagger a bit but regain my footing.

"Yes, Leah?" I ask, smoothing the skirt down. Fynn's hand is still on my waist, and it goes unnoticed by the twins.

"It's so good to see you!" she gushes, and I roll my eyes, smiling politely at her.

Wiggling out of Fynn's grasp, I grab a salad, and he plucks it from my hands. "I'll pay for you, future wife."

I hear Leah and Rebecca swoon behind us, and it makes me roll my eyes. Evan and Jonah soon join us, and I feel a heavy weight on my back.

"Hey, princessa," Jonah greets, leaning against my back. I shift, and he stumbles a little.

"Hello, Jonah."

I see him ponder for a second before grinning. "You know, I like the way your accent sounds with my name. You're going to have to take me to your hometown one day so I can meet some cute little French girls."

Scowling, I slap his arm and he chuckles, filling a plate full with food. I follow at Fynn's side, taking my salad from him when we all join him at a table. Without hesitating, I dive in, a satisfied moan escaping my lips. Fynn tenses beside me, and I shoot him a curious look.

"Don't do that again," he grunts out, and I feel my face heat up as my eyes grow wide.

"Did you just..." Evan trails off, and then everyone starts to burst into laughter. I narrow my eyes at Fynn and smack his arm, shaking my head.

"What was that for, kitten?" he asks after a few seconds, taking a bite of his pizza.

"You're a pervert, Fynn."

Smiling at me, he makes no room to deny it, and I roll my eyes. Everyone is a little silent after that, the boys teasing Fynn before dropping it. I settle against the seat and rub my stomach, full. Fynn is frowning at me, his eyes worried.

"Is that all you are going to eat, Sofia?" he asks, pointing at the half eaten salad.

I nod slowly. "I don't eat much, Fynn."

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