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"So when does school start again?" I ask for the hundredth time. And like the hundredth time again, Leah groans and shoots me a playful glare.

"In just a few days, Sofia. Fynn's party is the day before we go back."

I nod. I had been at my aunt's house for a few days now, and since I've been here, I haven't seen Fynn leave but a handful of times, and each time he claims it's important.

Walking into the living room, I stare at the boys with an odd expression on my face as they each hurriedly down the bowl of cereal, groaning in misery. Fynn shoots me a look, a small smile playing at his lips, before he shoves Evan off of the chair.

"Told you, you couldn't beat me," he cheers, and Jonah and Cole give him a high five.

I shake my head, opening the cabinet to the drinks. Something fluffy and white shoots out of it, and I jump back, screaming.

Fynn's arms wrap around my waist protectively, pulling me away so he could find whatever the danger was. I feel myself panting, pulling at the hem of my shirt so the heat will disappear. When Fynn picks it up, I start to frown.

"Is that fur?" I ask, and he starts to chuckle in my ear. When I notice our situation, I pull myself out of his arms, blushing.

"It must've came from a stuffed animal or something," he defends, giving a shrug before tossing it out.

He hands me a glass, moving away back to the island to give me space. Slowly, I peek around the corner of the cabinet to look for another before growing content when nothing appears.

"Is Sofie-Wofie afraid of some fur?" Cole teases, and I grip the glass of water.

Whirling around, my eyes bore into his, and he flinches back. "What is your problem with me?" I demand, even making it a point to smack the glass on the table.

"You shouldn't have come here," he sneers, his eyes narrowing back at me before roughly standing. The chair wobbles and crashes to the floor, and I watch in annoyance as he shoves pass his mother and storms outside.

My aunt looks at me, sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Sofia," she murmurs, kissing my forehead. "He is just having a hard time right now."

I try to nod, to let her know that it's okay, but no words come out of my lips. I leave the glass where it's at and walk into the living room, grabbing my jacket off of the back of the couch. "I'm going for a walk, aunt May. I'll see you guys in a little bit."

"Can we come?" Rebecca chirps, and I shake my head no.

"I'd rather be alone, if that's okay."

I step out into the fog and start walking into town, keeping my head low. Cars pass me, and a few dogs bark as I walk by, but I keep telling myself the silence and solitude was what I needed, what I wanted.

When I make it into town, everyone is flooding the streets, passing by with coffee's in their hands and a warm smile on their face. I take a deep breath, stepping into a small café that didn't have many people in it. A lady behind the register smiles at me, the smile not meeting her eyes.

Politely, I step up, looking at the menu. "What can I help you with?" she asks, tapping her fingers against the countertop.

"Uh, I'm new to this country. What do you suggest?" I ask, looking into her eyes.

"I absolutely love your accent," she gushes, but then gives me another bright smile. "I definitely recommend a vanilla and mocha mix. Warm or cold, it's great either way. Oh, and if you love sweets, definitely try the ice cream."

Her Protective MateWhere stories live. Discover now