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"She's back!"

"I wonder where she was?"

"Is she with Fynn now?"

"I just can't believe she is here."

I lower my head, face burning with an embarrassed blush. Fynn stifles a laugh, wrapping his arm around my waist. As we walk to first period, I shift the bag on my shoulder and look around, the whispers only increasing.

"Ignore them, kitten." he mutters, shooting glares at people who look at us. "I don't know what their problem is."

I nod, settling in the seat as Fynn takes the spot next to me. He plays with my fingers, a warm smile on his face, and I look towards the door to see Emily walk in, her face breaking out in a wide smile.

Waving her over, she sits in front of me, turning around in her seat. "What are you doing here, Em? I figured you would be trying to get used to reality again."

She nods, giving Fynn a smile. "It was his idea that we all try to fall back into society by starting out small. I haven't been to school in... Man, it's been years. They have me starting out in basic classes right now until I progress up. So, it looks like I'm doing a lot of summer classes."

Fynn shifts, nestling closer to me. His thumb lightly grazes my leg and I look up at him, giving a shy smile before the teacher walks in, and I fish out the notebook.

"Today, class, we will be writing a fantasy world. I want each of you to get a book from the back, read up on the different mythologies, and write a short story based around your main character in third person."

Reluctantly, I stand, mingling towards the back of the class. Fynn taps my waist, gaining my attention, and I look up at him.

"A lot on your mind, kitten?" he asks softly, keeping quiet so no one listens in.

"I missed school," I admit, moving forward as everyone slowly eases out. "I was stuck either in that room, or in the kitchen doing his duties for him. I missed writing, and learning. I missed doing advanced calculus."

He laughs, pulling me close to his side. I nestle in, enjoying the warmth, and smile as his lips press against my shoulder. "You'll never have to leave my side, love."

I nod, believing him, and grab a gold plated book, turning it over in my hands. Werewolves: A History. Frowning, I look for a different one, something that wasn't about wolves, and try to not sigh when the bookcase is completely cleared out.

"I guess I'm writing about wolves," I mutter to myself, placing the book in front of me before sitting next to Fynn who, once again, kisses my shoulder.


I swipe the glass into the basket, the photo fluttering lightly in the breeze from the open window. Wiping at my nose with my sleeve, I take a deep breath, studying our smiling faces. I finger the photo gently, brushing over Sebastian's red, smiling face, before ripping it in half.

"I can't believe you turn into a dog," I whisper to myself, shaking my head.

"I didn't want to tell you."

Jerking around, I stare at Sebastian's dark eyes, his hair a tousled mess. My heart leaps in my throat, the air thickening with tension. We stare at each other for what feels like forever, his hands lifting, only to fall back down once again.

Finally, I take a step back, gripping the desk. "I thought you went home?"

He nods. "I did, but I never gave you a proper goodbye."

Her Protective MateWhere stories live. Discover now