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The sunlight dances through the window, and I take the time to admire the golden hue, Fynn's arm wrapped tightly against my waist. I sigh contently, turning around to where I am facing him, and dig my fingers into his hair. He stirs slightly, pulling me closer towards him before placing a kiss at the base of my throat.

I giggle, shifting ever so slightly, and hiss in pain. In an instant, he jerks awake, looking up at me. "You alright, kitten?" he murmurs worriedly, brushing his thumb against my cheek.

Nodding, I stand up and head directly towards the bathroom, pulling down my shirt. Once I cross the threshold, I close the door quietly, pulling the shirt over my head. In the mirror, I stare at my body, brushing my fingers over my hipbones. It's enough to have me shivering in my skin before throwing the bathroom curtain open, preparing for a shower.

I don't know how long I'm in there as I take the time to lather my hair. But once I step out, the towel firmly around my body, Fynn is gone, and the sun is fully up. I pause in my steps, looking around the room, before settling on the photo of Sebastian and I, still in its chipped case and both of us smiling proudly at me.

With a shaky breath, I close the distance and slam it down, the glass shattering into thousands of pieces. I clench my fist, tears brimming in my eyes, before taking a breath to calm myself and getting dressed. Snow is dancing from the sky in large puffs, and I press a hand to the window, looking at the way the pine trees in the yard are gifted with a white blanket.

It's enough to make me smile, and I take my time going downstairs, greeted with the worried faces of my cousins at the bottom of the stairs. The twins look at me, their hands over their mouths and tears in their eyes. My breath catches in my throat, and Jonah lets out a strangled sound before they are all pulling me towards them, even Cole.

I shake a little, feeling overwhelmed, but the tears slip out of my eyes one by one and I hug them back, listening to their small, soft spoken words.

"Are you hungry?" Jonah asks in my ear as we all collect ourselves. I fiddle with the sleeve of the sweater and nod, looking around for my aunt and uncle. "Mom and dad had some things to do in town this morning, but they'll be back later this evening."

I nod again and sit at the counter, the twins sitting next to me. I peer around, looking for Fynn, and my heart skips a beat as he walks through the doorway, hair wet and the shirt clinging to his skin. Once he looks at me, he smiles and closes the distance, nestling his face in the back of my neck.

Playfully swatting at him, I laugh a little. "Stop it, Fynn."

He shakes his head no, holding onto me tighter. "I've missed you, Sofia. We've all missed you."

His words come out as a soft spoken whisper, and I smile to myself, feeling the warmth flooding between us like my own blanket. I play with his fingers as Jonah sets a bowl of soup in front of me, looking at anything but my face.

"Where was I? I mean, you found me, so you must know the location."

Fynn tenses up before pulling me tighter to him, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "You were back in your hometown, kitten. All the way in France."

My mind whirls around and I try to turn, but he keeps me facing forward to eat the soup. I take slow bites, waiting for something to happen, but relax when everyone else does. "What happened to Sebastian?"I ask slowly.

"Don't know, sweetheart. I guess he went back home when you broke up with him."

I nod, processing everything, and finish the soup quickly so I could turn around to face Fynn. He smiles down at me, the darkness in his eyes no longer there as he looks at me. Everyone stands slowly, each giving me another hug and telling me they're glad I'm back, before leaving me alone with him.

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