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What's this?  Two updates in one day?  Yep!  I work tomorrow so I wanted to make sure you get tomorrows update ♥

Above is how I imagine Malcom.


Everyone in the house had grown silent as Fynn shoved Malcom outside, his body trembling with aggression. "What the fuck, man!" Malcom yells out, holding his bloody nose.

"Did you seriously think I'd let you get away with touching a woman who doesn't want you?" he hissed, and landed another kick to his ribcage. I wince at the sound, Rebecca wrapping her arms around me.

"Are you okay?" she whispers in my ear, and I nod slowly. "I'm so sorry we brought you here."

My eyes were glued to Fynn's back, watching the way his muscles flexed underneath his shirt with the blows that he laid towards Malcom. I winced as blood sprayed along the grass, and knew I had to stop it.

Before Fynn could kick him again, I grab his wrist, looking up at him. His body was burning, and his breathing was labored. I pull him softly, aiming to get his attention, and he looks down at me. His eyes, darker than coal, stare back at me, and I wrap my arms around his waist tightly.

"Please stop," I whimper, his body tense underneath my fingertips. Slowly, he relaxes, pushing me to the side gently. Giving one last kick to his stomach, Malcom rolls to the side and releases everything in his stomach while Fynn turns my head away.

"Let me take you home," he murmurs to me, holding my hand. I don't object, feeling the warmth flood between us. As he held my hand, his body seems to relax even more, and I catch Rebecca and Leah smirking at us.

"You guys enjoy the party," he told everyone. "I'm going to take her home."

I catch the final look the twins shoot me before Fynn starts to walk towards a jeep. My arms shake in his, and I feel my stomach start to flutter. "Sofia?" he asks, and I push him away as I release the little bit of food in my stomach. Fynn holds my hair back and begins to massage small circles into my shoulder blades, chuckling softly to himself.

"Sorry," I gasp, wiping my mouth off with the sleeve of my shirt.

"I'm sure you've never seen that before. It's fine."

I nod, and he helps me into the jeep. Silence envelops the both of us as he drives me towards my aunt house, and my hands start to shake, tears coming to surface in my eyes. I feel Fynn's hand on my thigh, and he rubs it slowly.

"Don't let him get to you, Sofia. Malcom is just a jerk with no sense of respect. He usually sleeps around with every girl he finds."

I can tell he is trying to comfort me, but the words reach deaf ears, and I feel the sob before I hear it. Immediately, the jeep stops, and I'm pulled into Fynn's lap, staring into his worried eyes.

"Hey, hey," he whispers, brushing his thumb over my cheek. "Don't worry, kitten. I'm going to keep you safe."

I try to nod, to let him know that I understand, but I can't manage anything. He pulls me against him, and I bury my face in his neck, my body trembling against his own. "You're okay, Sofia."

When I begin to calm down, I blush at our situation, and move out of his lap. Fynn wipes the tears on my cheeks again before smiling at me. I try to smile back, and I take a deep breath, groaning to myself. "I can't believe that happened," I whisper, shaking my head.

Fynn starts driving again, silent. I fiddle with the radio, rubbing at my eyes as I let out a small yawn. I see a smile perk up on his lips, and I look over at him.

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