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It was Sunday, the day before break ends, and it has been exactly four days, seven hours, thirty-two minutes, and eight seconds since I have last seen Fynn. I let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through my damp hair as I step out of the shower.

The screen on my computer lights up from the bedroom, and I wrap the towel around my body tightly before hitting the answer button. Sebastian's face floods the screen, and I smile warmly at him.

"Bonjour, love. How is my princess doing?" he asks, and it causes me to smile.

"Well," I reply, and I hide my body from the camera to pull on a skirt and a loose fitting shirt. When I stand in front of the screen, he smiles at me and I place the computer on the desk. "How are you doing, darling?"

He pops his fingers, leaning back in his desk chair. "I miss you so much, Sof. I was wondering if I could come and see you for a few days?"

At that, I smile widely at him. "I would love that!" I squeal, clasping my hands. "I would love for you to meet my family and for you to see America for yourself."

He nods, and then a large smile breaks out on his face. "I was hoping you would say yes, love, because I leave in a few days."

"Really? Oh, Sebastian! I'm so excited to see you!"

There's a knock at the door, and Leah and Rebecca lean in, their eyes immediately landing on my computer. "Oh, who is this beautiful piece of meat?" Leah smirks, walking in.

Her sister follows closely behind, the two of them staring at Sebastian with smiles on their faces. "Bonjour, ladies," he chirps out, waving his hand a bit. "I am Sebastian, Sofia's boyfriend."

"Hot damn," Leah whispers, and I stifle a laugh. "No wonder you won't go after Fynn. You have one nice piece of man right here."

"Who is Fynn? That family friend?"

I nod. "He's been nice to me is all. Nothing more, and nothing less."

I see Sebastian frown, but he doesn't say anything about it. I leave the twins to grill Sebastian questions and I take a second to slip out, making my way downstairs for a glass of water.

When I enter, all the eyes tear in my direction, and Fynn looks at me with a warm smile on his face. I couldn't help but to stare at him, my heart beating wildly in my chest. There is someone sitting next to him, and his eyes trail my body from my eyebrows to my toes.

As I grab the glass, I hear someone stand behind me, and I lower myself on the ground. Fynn is standing behind me, his arms crossed over his chest. "How have you been, kitten?" he whispers, and I shrug.

"As good as I will ever be."

The man whistles behind us. "Damn, Fynn. Your mate's pretty hot."

I peek around and give a short wave. "Hello, you must be Fynn's mate as well."

Fynn chuckles and shrugs. "So when do we get to take our friendly date?"

I hear Sebastian's voice, and I turn my head to see the twins carrying the computer downstairs, both of them chatting his head off. Giving a little smile, Fynn turns his head to look, and I immediately feel him grow tense.

"Well, ladies," Sebastian calls out, his voice laced with a playful flirtatious tone. "It was nice to meet you beautiful American's but I would like to talk to my love again, please."

Fynn cocks an eyebrow in my direction, but I shrug. A frown danced on my face as they placed the computer in front of me, and Sebastian looked up and down the six foot tall man behind me.

Her Protective MateWhere stories live. Discover now