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Fynn's P.O.V

"What do you mean she left?" I growl, clenching my fists at my side.

Jonah glares at me, his hair a mess from the lack of sleep. The two of us have a stare down until he looks away, unable to challenge his Alpha. "What I mean, Fynn, is that you fucked up again, and Sofia left."

Staggering a bit, I sit down in the chair, placing my face in my hands. Groaning to myself, I massage my temples, clenching my jaw.

"Why the fuck did I do that?" I whisper to myself, banging my fist on the desk.

Leah jumps a little, shooting a glance my way. "Maybe if you'd just be a man and tell her who you are, you wouldn't be having these issues. I mean she feels the connection you two have and then you mark her, only to turn around and kiss Chloe? Knowing Sofia would see it?"

I shake my head. "I only did it because I was pissed off. I didn't want to hurt her..."

"But you did."

"I did. And now, she's left. Luca is out to get her, and I have no idea where in the hell her grandmother's home is, and here I am, thousands of miles away."

Jonah chuckles a little to himself. "You know, man, I would not blame Sofia for leaving your ass after this."

I watch him stand and walk out, slamming the door behind him. I couldn't be angry with him – I wouldn't blame Sofia myself. At the thought of her name, my chest aches, and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Maybe," May chimes in, looking at me, "you could talk to William, Fynn. See if he knows the location. He used to talk to her grandmother and Celia all the time."

"You and I both know that William hates not only Celia, but Sofia, too. I don't see him helping me unless I force him to do it."

May sighs, fingering the blanket that she had wrapped around her shoulders. "William has his own reasons for hating people, Fynn, but he does not hate Sofia."

I laugh, shaking my head. "You and I both know that is bullshit, May. Does Sofia know what he did to her?"

"No, she doesn't, and it would be wise to not say anything."

I throw my hands into the air. "Exactly! If I ask him for help on finding her, he will laugh in my face! He does not like their family, at all. I don't know why, but asking him for help would be talking to a wall."

She sighs a little before standing, and it was evident the worry that had begun to seep on her face was something more troubled than she was letting on. "May..."

"Mom, Sofia is on the phone."

I look up at Cole, getting a little hopeful. "Can I talk to her?"

He scoffs at me before pushing the phone into May's hands, walking out. When she glances between the phone and myself, I nod, letting her know that it was okay. She put the phone on speaker, taking her seat.

"Sofia? Are you okay?"

"Hello, aunt May. I'm doing well, thanks for asking."

"Where are you? We've been worried, Sofia. Fynn, myself, and the family. Are you safe?"

There was a light laugh, and my heart began to swell. Maybe she did care after all. "Fynn worrying is the biggest joke that I have ever heard. No offense, aunt May. I know he is a family friend and all."

May sighs, shooting me a sad look. "Fynn cares about you a lot, Sofia. I am sure he made some mistakes but maybe he will fix them."

I could almost imagine her shaking her head, not wanting to believe it. Placing my head down on the desk, I let the guilt build up, reminding me how much I have messed up.

You could win her back, my wolf spoke up, finally talking to me for the first time in almost two weeks.

How? I reply, looking up at May as she continues to talk to Sofia.

You marked her against her will, you dumb, little boy. She will have a connection with you that will never end. You can use that to find her.

I don't know how!

My wolf only sighs before dropping the contact with me, leaving me on my own. Running my hand down my face, I look at May, watching as she wipes a tear that she didn't want me to see.

"I love you, Sofia. Call back, okay? I'm glad you're safe."

"I will, aunt May. I miss you guys, but I think coming home was a better decision in the long run."

"I'll talk to you later, sweetheart."

At the click, I bang my fist against the desk, hearing the crack before I see it. The rage that began to flutter through my body had me shaking, May looking over at me.

"I need to go," I growl out, clenching my fists at my sides. "Tell William I need to talk to him, and this is an order."

 Without a second glace her way, I go outside, shifting into the one thing that could distract me from my reality.


Sorry it's so short!  It was kind of a filler chapter because I'm a bit behind on writing and have hit the all too famous writers block.

If you enjoyed Fynn's POV, feel free to let me know if you'd like me to do more!

As always, cheers, and enjoy ♥

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