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It didn't take long for us to reach the store, and when we did, my aunt threw the umbrella up above us and we all ran in, my jacket once again getting wet.  Brushing my fingers through my hair to even out the tangles, Rebecca and Leah hold onto my arms, pulling me into the first store.
    "What is Victoria's Secret?" I ask, stumbling over the threshold.  They keep me on my feet, giving me weird looks.
    "You don't know what this is?  Much less have never been to one?" It was Leah who spoke to me, and I try to smile.
    "I'm sorry, but no.  My grand-mère never let me go to stores like this."
    They seem to nod in understanding, ushering me inside.  I look towards my aunt for guidance, but she waves us in, shaking her head with a smile on her face.  Looking around, I immediately begin to feel out of place.  Mannequins are placed in parts of the room, advertising parts of lingerie or laced bras.
            "You do know I do not need anymore undergarments, yes?" I ask, but they pull me into a conjoined room.  I gaze around, looking at all of the pink, and cringe.
    "You don't like pink?" Leah asks, pulling up a shirt with a white stripe.  I look at the dip in the collar, already knowing the amount that the shirt would show.
    "No, not really.  I like blue and gray mostly."
    The twins give me a weird look and I feel my face warm up, but they shake their head at me and hold up a white shirt against my shoulders, looking at me with approval. "You look good in this, Sofia.  The dress code isn't that strict at school.  Just tan or black jeans, and the school colours for a shirt."
    "Which is..."
    Leah holds the shirt in her arms, satisfied. "Blue, white, and green."
    I wrinkle my nose. "Weird colours for a school.  What about dresses or skirts?"
    Rebecca holds up a black pair of shorts. "Those are allowed!  We usually stick to dresses or skirts and a simple shirt every day.  But our other clothes are mostly for when we go out."
    "As in parties?" I look around, fingering a white and blue shirt in my hands.  The pink symbol stares at me in the corner, and I slowly fold it back to let it sit on the shelf again.
    "Definitely!  Fynn throws the best parties when his parents are out.  He's actually throwing one this weekend.  You want to tag along with us?"
    I tell her no, then look around at the different shorts and jeans. "I've never been one much for parties.  I do not mind to spend time with my aunt.  I may even go see uncle William."
    Leah shoots me a pout, but continues along her shopping.  I wait until I have a few shirts in my arms to walk to the cashier, handing them over to her.  I get ready to pay, but Leah grabs my hand and throws her own clothes down.
    "I'll pay for you.  We're treating you, remember?" she says, and I nod.
    This was going to be a long shopping spree.


    I throw the bags into the spare room, rubbing at my shoulder.  Gazing at the clock on the side, I measure the time, and quickly look around for my computer.  It's sitting on the edge of the bed, propped up against my bag, and I log on quickly to download Skype.  As I wait, I put away my clothes and the new ones, wincing at the small skirts the twins insisted I buy.
    The moment it's done, I add Sebastian, calling him immediately.  His face lights up the screen, and I smile at the goofy grin that he gives me. "Bonjour, Sof!  How is America treating you?" he calls out, his voice loud in the speakers.
    I turn it down, holding up a pair of black laced underwear. "They have weird ways of dressing.  My mother would have a heart attack if she saw these."
    I see a faint blush on his cheeks, but can tell he's interested. "How is it at your aunts?"
    Taking a deep breath, I throw my jacket to the side. "Different.  I miss it just being grand-mère and me."
    He furrows his eyebrows in worry, green eyes staring into my own. "Wait, what's wrong, Sof?  How many kids are there?"
    "Three boys, two girls, and a 'family friend', as he was called."
    "This family friend isn't doing anything to you, is he?  I'd hate to fly to America to kick his ass."
    I stifle a laugh and roll my eyes in his direction. "You are so overly protective, Sebby.  I am just fine, but would never mind you coming to visit me."
    He sighs, his fingers reaching out to touch the screen. "Just a few weeks, mon amour, and then you will be in my arms for a few weeks.  You also turn eighteen in a couple months anyway, yes?"
    "Yes!  And then I'll be back home, I swear."
    Sebastian smiles, the kind that makes my heart flutter right out of my chest.  I hear his mother calling him, and then he gives a defeated sigh. "Gotta run, Sof.  I'll call you tonight.  I love you."
            I smile in his direction, waving goodbye to him.  When the call ends, the screen lights up with the home page, and I watch the little green button on Sebastian's name flicker off.
            There's a knock, and I turn to see Fynn looking at me with a smile on his face, leaning against the doorway of the bedroom.  I'm still holding the laced underwear in my hands, and I quickly throw them to the side, my face burning.
            "Hey, I just wanted to say sorry about the idiot here.  He knows better than to talk to a woman that way."
            He's referring to Cole.  I give him a nod, even politely smiling to let him know it doesn't bother me. "I'm used to crude jokes from men.  It isn't an issue."
       Fynn frowns, making it a point to step into the room.  I see his eyes spot the skirts on the bed, and then he sighs. "The twins have a very different way of dressing.  I wouldn't wear these out in public if I were you."
      "Why not?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
      "American boys aren't as polite as your men in your town.  Where are you from anyway?"
       He wants me to elaborate, but I don't give in, keeping my arms crossed.  Fynn looks around the room, curiosity gaining the best of him, and gently holds the only photo I had of my mother and father.
       "This is your parents?" He asks, and I nod. "I remember your mom when I was younger.  She was a sweet lady."
       "You remember my mum?"
       Fynn nods, placing it down to look at the next photo.  I'm wrapped in Sebastian's arms, his smile blinding in the photo.  I have a blush on my cheeks, a bouquet of tulips in my hand.
       I shake my head. "Boyfriend back home.  We have been together for three years now."
       Fynn has an unreadable expression on his face and sets the photo down too hard, the wood chipping on the edge.  I go to say something, but he shuts his eyes tightly and releases a tense breath.
       "I'm sorry.  I'll replace that, Sofia."
       I watch him walk out, shutting the door behind him.  Confusion crawls up my spine, and I follow him out, grabbing his arm.  Fynn tenses, but doesn't move away from me.  There's a warmth that floods underneath my fingertips, and I feel his muscles relax.
       "Did I upset you?" I ask softly, a slight crack in my voice.  I mentally curse myself, not wanting to show him a small weakness.  Immediately, Fynn whirls around, his eyes confused and worried.
       "Why would you think you've upset me?" He laughs a little then, squeezing my hand before letting it go. "It's just something personal that I've been upset about.  Don't worry about it."
       I nod, stepping back a little.  Fynn masks the shadow that crosses his face and shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. "Alright.  I suppose I'll see you later then, family friend."
       Heading back to my room, he grabs my upper arm, the same warm feeling bursting out between us. "Let me take you on a date, Sofia.  As friends, I mean."
       I feel my face warm up. "Oh," I stutter, biting my lip. "I don't know.  You Americans do weird things."
       He laughs then, and when he stops, part of me aches to hear it again. "We can just go grab a bite to eat and see a movie, if you want.  Hell, I'll take you shopping for decent clothes if you want.  I just want to spend time with you."
       When I go to reply, my aunt's voice calls us from downstairs, and I look at him apologetically. "I'll let you know, Fynn."
       I don't miss the smile that breaks on his face as I scamper down the steps, meeting my aunt halfway. "Is everything okay?"
       She nods, smiling as she grabs her purse. "We have to go enroll you in school today.  I emailed the principal and he said we could come in today but only for a short time."
       I'm confused, but I nod slowly. "Isn't it winter break here?"
       "That's why he said it can't be long.  Come on now, Sofia."


I relax on the couch, rubbing my hands over my face.  My aunt is cooking dinner, the boys are all sprawled out in the living room playing games.  The twins, sitting either side of me, are typing away on their phones.
      "So what classes did you get, Sofia?" Fynn asks me, his back against my legs.  I try to shift and move him off of me, but he shoots me a pout that makes me stop.
       "Creative writing for a block, Advanced Science for another, and the last three classes are gym and honours calculus."
       I see Cole make a face. "Are you some know-it-all?" He snaps, causing Fynn to smack him once again.
       I glance am my legs and frown. "No, these are basic classes back in my home town."
       His face grows red and the boys start to laugh, Jonah clasping Cole on the back. "Way to go, bro.  Showed up by a foreigner." At my confused look, he explains. "Cole thinks he's the smartest one in this class because he takes honours classes.  But since you're younger and you're in higher classes, you finally showed him up."
       I wrinkle my nose. "Just how old do you think I am?"
       Evans and Fynn stifle a laugh. "You look like you're sixteen, cuz.  Are you not that young?" He's teasing me, I realise, and I try my best to not kick his shin.
       "No," I murmur, blushing. "You're wrong. I turn eighteen in a few months, then I plan to fly back home."
       I see Fynn tense up before he's standing up, pulling his arm across his chest. "I gotta go," he says, grabbing his bag almost hurriedly.
       Evan and Jonah look worried, but I feel myself frown in his direction.  Before he makes it out of the doorway, I grab his arm, worry bleeding in my eyes. "Wait," I whisper, my fingers tightening.  He grows stiff, his eyes dark as he looks at me.  I stumble back a second, panic rising in my chest. "I-I just wanted to let you know I accept your offer.  For your friendly date."
       The tension seems to ease away, and Fynn slowly smiles the heartbreaking smile that robs me of breath. "Good, Sofia.  I will see you later, beautiful."
       When he winks, my heart skips a beat, and immediately, I feel guilty.

above is how I imagine Fynn. I am such a sucker for guys with long hair. Oops. Enjoy ❤️

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