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I sigh in bed, burying my face in the pillows. It was finally Saturday, not a school day, and I took the opportunity to stay in bed as long as possible. Except, unfortunately for me, I was listening to Evan and Jonah wrestle in the room next to me, occasionally smacking against the wall.

I stifle another sigh and throw the blanket off of my legs, stretching as I stand up. They're laughing in the next room, and when I pull on a pair of jeans and a regular tee shirt, Leah and Rebecca throw open the door.

"Why are you still in bed?" Leah glares, and I offer a weak smile.

"Tired and lost in thought," I shrug, following them downstairs. The boys fall out into the hallway, Evan jumping up to wrap an arm around my waist. Letting out a squeak, I am thrown over his shoulder and I bounce as he runs down the steps.

"Evan!" I growl, giggling as he places me back on my feet. Swaying a bit, I stare up at him and poke his chest. "I'll get you back."

Someone clears their throat, and for a second, I think it's Fynn. Instead, Sebastian is looking at me as he sits with my aunt on the couch, a wide smile playing on his lips.

"Sebastian?" I whisper, and in an instant, I'm in his arms.

"I've missed you so much, mom amour," he murmurs against my lips, giving me a small smile before kissing me.

I feel happy and guilty all in the same, but I kiss him and take a step back politely. "When did you get in?"

I can tell he isn't happy, but he keeps smiling. "Just a few minutes ago, actually."

My aunt stands and smiles at us. "I was thinking you and the kids could go have some fun while he's in for the weekend."

Evan does a fist bump into the air and he and Jonah began to laugh. "Hell yeah! I've been wanting to go to the arcade for a while."

"Yeah! Fynn should be back later tonight so we could have him tag along."

Sebastian's eyes harden over but he keeps smiling, nodding his head. In the middle of the awkward silence, Leah rushes in and gasps, Rebecca soon following. They both start to swoon, and I watch a playful, flirtatious smile dance on Sebastian's face.

"Bonjour, ladies. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." He murmurs, giving a little bow for good measure. Evan is staring at them, and I notice that Leah cannot tear her eyes from him.

Clearing my throat, I capture their attention and place my hands on my hips. "Well, I'm hungry. Does anyone want to go out to eat with me?"

Sebastian looks over at me and smiles, wrapping his arm around my waist. I breathe in the familiar scent of ash and smile up at him. "I'm up for whatever you want to do, darling."

Everyone slowly agrees, and before we leave, I feel Leah pull me to the side. Awkwardly, she leans against the wall and looks at her hands.

"I want to admit something to you," she murmurs, and I raise an eyebrow, letting her continue. She takes a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling, the wall, and anything else that was not me. "I want you to date Fynn."

Tilting my head to the side, I grow confused. "I thought you were going to tell me you had a small fancy for Sebastian."

Immediately, she begins to laugh and shakes her head. "Oh, hell no. He's a player right down to the core. I want you to date Fynn because he's going to treat you right. I think Sebastian may be hiding something."

Her Protective MateWhere stories live. Discover now