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I shiver in my skin, watching the boys run down the sandy slope before diving into the water. Standing in shock, the twins follow them soon after, stripping off their shirts into the bathing suits and diving into the water soon after.

Emily laughs next to me as she helps me pack everything down, shifting the bags on her shoulders. "So I talked to a few kids at school, and they're all for throwing a bonfire tonight."

I falter a bit before covering it up quickly, nodding. "That sounds like fun."

When we put everything down, she takes a deep breath, a light, cool breeze fluttering her hair. I hold myself tighter to keep warm, watching everyone laugh and splash each other. My mind travels to Fynn, and I feel a smile dance on my face. Watching Emily, she gets a large smile on her face and run towards the water, squealing at the temperature.

"You knew it would've been cold!" Evan laughs, making Emily's face turn redder than it was.

I hear her curse loudly as she continues to step deeper into the water,shivering in her skin. I look up at the sky that grows dark, a cold breeze disrupting the calm waters.

When I hear my name, I look up, wiggling my nose to suppress a sneeze. "Come get in, Sofia!"

I quickly shake my head, holding up a thermos of hot soup. "I would much rather not die of hypothermia, but thank you!"

Jonah rolls his eyes as he walks up towards me, flopping on a towel. "It's fucking cold."

I nod, sipping on the soup. "I packed some food for you guys. Eat some soup, Jonah." At another cold breeze, I hiss, my teeth chattering. "Il fait très froid ici."

Quirking an eyebrow at me, Jonah's face breaks out in a large smile. "Did you just speak French?"

Slapping his arm, I sip my soup again. "It is very cold here, Jonah. When can we go home?"

I hear a few voices behind me, and watch as Dean, Aaron and another guy walk up, all laughing. When they spot us, there is a big grin that dances on Aaron's face, and Leah runs out of the water, heading directly towards Dean.

"Hey, Sofia!"

I wave at Aaron, smiling as he sits down next to me. "Hello, Aaron. What are you guys doing here?"

"Emily invited us."

Dean rushes towards the water with Leah, grabbing her by the waist to throw her in. There are loud squeals, and I watch in amusement as Rebecca and Dean all tug her in, Leah spitting out salty water while laughing.

"So, what happened to you after the arcade?"

"I went home."

I watch as he moves his hand over, lacing our fingers together. Staring at him for a second, I move my hand away, giving a shy smile. "Sorry, Aaron. I just..."

"You're in love with someone else, aren't you?"

"I don't know if I'm in love with him." I explain, smiling a little. Fynn dances into my mind and I feel my face begin to warm up. "But I do like him. A lot."

He nods, not looking me in the eyes. "Well, if you two ever break up or anything, I'll be here for you."

I try to smile at him before murmuring a low thank you, pulling a blanket out of the bag next to me before wrapping it around myself tightly. With a large gust of wind, the waves started to pick up and everyone departed from the sea, laughing and shivering.

I smile up at Emily, seeing the look she shoots Aaron before settling next to me, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. "Did you enjoy yourself?" I ask, sipping at the soup.

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