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A week after the incident at the beach, the weather had become weirdly warm, the sun shining brightly. Fynn had been gone for the last week, claiming that he had something to take care of in another state. Family business, he said. Leah had not seen Dean since the incident, and even though she tried to act like her normal cheerful self, I could see the light in her eyes that was slowly fading away.

A week after the beach, we had continue to hang out with Emily, her and Evan becoming closer. We went to the arcade, to the mall, and to countless restaurants, watching her grow happier with each activity that we had done.

A week later, I learned that my uncle had something to take care of a couple hours away, and my aunt May followed suit, leaving us kids alone in the house. Leah and Rebecca wanted to throw a party, and Jonah was soon agreeing, though Cole and Evan disagreed, throwing up how aunt May would react if they found out.

When we were all sitting around the table, eating the pasta and rolls that the twins had cooked, Jonah sighed to himself, his eyes rolling into the back of his head dramatically.

"Well, since we're not having a party, Fynn informed us that the town is hosting a ball, and we can go."

I tilt my head, confused, and chew thoroughly on my roll. "Why does your town do that?"

They all break out into small, awkward laughs, shrugging. "It's mostly because of Fynn's parents. It's not really a ball, that's just what we call it. I guess it's more like a party?"

Quickly, I shake my head. "I'll just stay here, then. I'm not up for another one of Fynn's parties."

Cole chuckles, shaking his head. "It's nothing like that, Sofia. I'd go; it's something you'd really like."

I stand, my eyes dark as I narrow them at him. "Is that you speaking, or your father?"

The table grows quiet, everyone looking towards me. Cole clenches his jaw, giving a low growl, before standing up, his chair scraping against the floor.

"No, it's me! But maybe he isn't so far off about you, Sofia!"

Standing back as if I were slapped, I clench my right hand, stepping away from the table. "You know what, if I am that much of an issue to you, Cole, then in just two weeks I will be gone. I will move back home, and you can go on as if you never met me."

"Fuck you!" he yells, making the twins jump. They look conflicted as they stare between us before eventually standing, Leah pushing Cole back, and Rebecca standing next to me. "You have this fucking perfect complex of yourself inside of your head! You are such a snobby bitch that I hate being around you. You came here, fucked up our relationship with Fynn, and now you're just going to turn around and leave and completely break his heart?

"You don't get to fucking do that, Sofia! You don't get to stand on everyone, act like you are the perfect child that everyone would want, and then turn around once you don't need them anymore and fuck them over!"

Rebecca pushes me into the living room the moment that Jonah punches Cole in the face, both of them growling and whispering profanities at one another. I stumble a little on my feet a I regain my balance, tears brimming in my eyes before I shove away from my cousin, heading directly upstairs.

"Sofia, wait!"

When I enter the room, I drag the suitcase out of the closet, fumbling through all of the clothes before tearing out all of the originals that I brought with me, a tear beginning to slip out. I wipe at my eyes angrily, throwing the clothes in quickly before I zip it up and head into the conjoined bathroom.

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