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Fynn's P.O.V.

The ride was quick; at least, quicker than I was hoping. Matt and I had gotten a detailed plan set in place, part of the pack falling in silently behind us. With my hands trembling at my side, I take a deep breath, pulling the cover up to conceal from my nose, down.

Are you ready for this? Matt asks, peering over at me.

I nod, not daring to speak back to him, and creep silently through the shadows. The guards do not focus on us, and I listen to one of my pack members break the silence with a howl, gaining their attention. As they talk among one another, more of our howls pick up, and I take the opportunity to use their distraction to my advantage.

Their skin is warm beneath my fingers, but I don't focus on that as I give them a quick snap to the right, Matt following close behind me.

Come on. I think most of his men are outside.

Slipping inside, I close the door quietly behind us, moving along the edge of the walls.

Do you hear that? Matt asks, nudging his head a little to the open doorway.

The sound of low crying makes me falter in my steps, and I quietly stand by the doorway, my heart giving a painful leap at the female voice. I turn the corner, staring wide eyed, and nudge Matt with my elbow.

Once he pops his head around, his eyes were staring directly at the girl in the middle of the room, her hair haloed around her face. I look between the two of them before nodding in understanding.

I'll be fine. Get her out of here, Matt.

He doesn't ask twice, and I wait until I know it is safe for them to leave before I continue my journey further into the house.

There are wild voices up ahead, and I falter in my footsteps, watching as their heads turn around and stare in my direction.

"Oi! Who are you?" one of them yell out, crossing their arms.

I growl, recognising him as one of the guys around Sofia, and grip his neck tightly, my body burning with rage.

"Where the fuck is she?" I hiss, gripping tighter. I can feel the other guy behind me trying to pull me off, but as I don't budge, he resorts to communicating with someone.

"I...don't know... who you're talking about," he gasps, turning red as I cut off his air supply.

I hold him until he falls limp in my arms and then I turn on the other guy, shoving him hard against the wall. "You know what I'm talking about," I hiss, growling lowly. "Where the hell is Sofia?"

He quivers in front of me, his eyes wide. When he glances over my shoulder, a sinister smile dances along his face and his body relaxes. I don't look, and instead, grab his head in my hand and beat it against the wall until he falls into a bloody heap at my feet.

I growl, turning around to stare at the three men who are looking at me wide-eyed and scared. Walking towards them, I flick the blood off of my hands and lunge after the closest guy, snapping his neck in a matter of seconds.

"Unless you don't want to end up like them, you will take me to her. Do you understand?" I order, letting my Alpha tone seep into my words.

Worriedly, they nod their heads and begin to walk, but freeze in their spot. I look in front of them, smirking at Matt, who is covered in blood. He nods in my direction, standing at my side.

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