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Fynn's P.O.V

Sitting across from May and William, I stare at the both of them, my eyes darkening the longer I linger on him. My jaw clenches, and I place the papers down, pushing them in the middle of my desk. "So, William," I start, "let's talk."

"Of course, Fynn."

"So, where's Sofia?"

I watch him look up, at anything other than my face, and May tenses next to him, rolling her eyes. I give it a few seconds longer, my eyes narrowing, before I let out a low growl and stand, the chair scraping back.

"Answer me, William," I order, clenching my fists.

His eyes lock on mine, narrowing into small slits. "She's back in her hometown, I assume, Fynn."

"Where is her hometown, William? Would you take us to her house?"

"I don't know where it's located, so no, I wouldn't take you."

I growl, shoving the desk. It hits the wall, making me clench my jaw as I stare hatefully at Sofia's uncle. "How could you treat her so horridly? She's your family!"

He growls back, standing up in a challenge. I tower over him, even by a few inches. "I had my reasons, Fynn. Reasons in which you would never understand."

Getting ready to pounce, my Beta rushes in, his eyes dark and his breathing heavy. "Alpha, I have someone on the line."

I relax my posture, keeping my eyes locked on William. "Who is it?"

"He said his name is Sebastian."

I look over at my Beta before dismissing May and William. Growling a little, I narrow my eyes at him. "You will answer me, William, or I will banish you from my pack."

"Fynn!" May cries, and I can see the panic clear in her eyes. "You can't do that, please!"

"I can, and I will, if he doesn't help me. I have dealt with him for years going behind my back doing things he shouldn't because he wants the title. With my mate being threatened, I will not hesitate to make him leave."

Brushing past them, I follow Matt out of the room, my hands clenched at my sides. His posture ahead of me is tense, and as he pushes the door open, I walk by him and pick up the phone.

"Sebastian," I start, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"He attacked Sofia last night. I know where he's at, but his pack is so much larger than yours. He's coming. He'll be there any day now to come and attack all of the packs in America."

My heart stops in my chest, and I clench the phone. "Is Sofia safe?"

"I don't know. She called me, and by the time I got to her house, they were gone. I didn't find any blood in her house, but there was some a few miles into the woods. I followed Sofia's scent, and lost it when it reached the river."

I let out a low growl, doing my best to keep my breathing normal. "I know where Luca's territory lie. Thank you for your information, Sebastian."

"One last thing, Fynn."

Shifting the phone, I glance outside, watching the sky darken overhead. "What?"

"I will talk to my Alpha about joining your side in this battle. The more allies you have, the better."

"I appreciate it."

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