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Fynn's P.O.V.

It didn't take long for the first batch of rogues to show up. Their muzzles drip the blood of fallen wolves in warning, standing over members that were not in my pack.   I stare at them, letting out low growls as they dare to step closer. Flicking my left ear, everyone goes after the kill, each one digging their jaws deep into someones throat.

I stand back, glancing around, keeping an eye on my pack. There is a member ahead that tries to slip into the territory and I launch myself at them, shaking my head hard three times until they fall limp in my jaws.

Once everything is calm, and everyone is dead, I lead a few members back. My posture is tense as I shift back behind a tree, tugging on the jeans and shirt quickly.

We have a lead on Sofia's location. Get back here as soon as possible.

Matt's voice rings out in my head, and I break off into a run, my heart beating wildly in my chest. The others follow behind me, some still in their wolf form.

As I break through the door, I take the stairs two at a time, leading into my office. Matt is leaning over a stack of papers, his glasses on the tip of his nose, and his finger scanning the page quickly.

"What do we have?" I ask, coming to stand beside him.

His finger trails from one side of the paper to the other, quickly forming a zigzag pattern. "They're trying to confuse us at the moment. I've been tracking the locations they have been popping up. I assume the next attack will happen here, on the Eastern side of the pack."

I growl a little, already linking some of the men. "What about Sofia?"

"Sebastian managed to get one of the attackers without him dying, and he forced the information out of him with wolfsbane. He said that Sofia was located here, in Germany. Why he chose that location we are not sure, so we sent some of James' men in to scout the area."

My heart drops in my chest, and I clench my fist, keeping my anger in control.

"We'll find her, Alpha. Don't worry."

Nodding, I walk out of the door, tense. Leah brushes by me, her eyes attached to her phone, and I stifle laughing as I watch her. Without thinking, she bumps into the wall, looking dazed and confused.

"Are you okay?" I ask, smirking a little.

She looks over at me, blushing, and then nods. "I was sitting here looking over some information about moving. I guess I was lost in the moment."

I frown, crossing my arms. "Your family is moving?"

"No, just me. After Dean I just... I think I'd rather just live with humans, you know? Fall in love with someone else."


"You can't talk me out of this, Fynn. If Sofia can do it, why can't I?"

I look over her face, the girl who I grew up with, and was a part of my family. "But Sofia's situation is different, kid."

Her eyes narrow into slits before she takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. "Fynn, don't make me do this."

I stare at her, crossing my arms. "You better not, Leah."

"I, Leah Whitman, officially step down as a warrior of the pack, and will be leaving the pack upon further notice."

It was easy to watch the way her body began to shake, and the pain that danced before her eyes. When her body began to sway, I held her shoulders, keeping her steady. "You stupid girl," I sigh, shaking my head.

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