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The arcade is packed when we walk in, and I feel someone grab my wrist, pulling me aside. I look up, staring into Fynn's dark eyes, and pull my hand away. His jaw is clenched, eyes narrowing into slits before he crosses his arms over his chest.

"I don't want you seeing that Aaron guy," he grunts, daring me to challenge him.

Placing my hands on my hips, I frown. "Excuse me? Since when do you get tomake my decisions, Fynn? Did you decide this before, or after, you kissed that girl and I ended things with you?"

He steps back, obviously not expecting me to say anything back, and looks away. "I didn't mean for it to happen, Sofia. You were kissing Sebastian in front of me when I wanted to be with you."

"How is that the same, though!" I explode, grinding my teeth together. "This time, you and I were together! And you still kissed her! You didn't push her away, you didn't tell her you were with me, or anything! The only difference is that I was kissing my boyfriend, and you were kissing some girl you used to fancy."

We stare at each other for what feels like forever before he lowers his head, his hands on either side of my head as he pins me to the wall. "Sofia," he whispers, his breath fanning my face. I feel the warmth radiating off of him, and he lowers his head a little more, brushing our lips together. My knees tremble, but it's enough to make me regain part of my sanity, and I push him away.

"It's going to take a lot more than you kissing me, Fynn."

Leaving him in his spot, I stand next to the twins and sigh, paying for my way inside. We immediately make our way towards the air hockey table, Jonah joining us to complete the forth side. We're there for what feels like an hour before I shake my hand from the aching joints, a bruise forming on my knuckles. Ahead, Fynn is playing basketball with Evan and Cole, all of their shirts off as they pant and wipe the sweat off of their foreheads.

As if he can feel me looking at him, his eyes flicker over, and a tiny smile dances on his face. I look away, turning my head when I hear my name being called. Pushing his hair out of his face, Aaron smiles at me and walks over, two guys joining him from behind.

"Hey,Sofia. I brought some friends, hope that's okay?" he asks, and I shrug, watching the way one of them is staring intently at Leah who, also, is staring back.

Tilting my head in confusion, I feel him wrap an arm around my shoulder and pull me over towards one of the older games, fishing out some money from his pocket. I look at the game, frowning, and look up at him. "I have no idea how to play this," I laugh, watching his lips curl into a smile.

"It's okay, Sofia. I can show you."

Watching him each time, the game starts to make more sense and I ask for a turn, feeling him step behind me. His hands wrap around my own, a guide, and when I score the first point, I let out a little cheer that has his body vibrating behind me in laughter.

"Shush," I murmur, my face burning red. He laughs again, and I take the opportunity to score a few more points, getting closer and closer to his score. "What do I get if I beat you?"

He hums, thinking about it, and gives a playful smirk. "Okay, if you win, I'll get you whatever you want from behind the counter." I nod, ready to continue, but he stops me. "What do I get if you don't win?"

I laugh a little, the challenge dancing in my eyes. "What do you want, Aaron?"

At the light that appears in his eyes, the smirk grows. "A date, and a kiss."

I quirk an eyebrow, the smile faltering slightly. "Seems like you're asking a lot. But, like any challenge, I accept."

Turning around quickly, I hear his laughter once again and continue to rank up points, my heart thumping wildly in my chest the moment we tie. Taking a deep breath, I score a final point and my character dies,making me stare at the screen. There, right at the top, stands my initials, right above Aaron's.

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