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There it was again. The same breath that was fanning my neck and sending shivers down my spine. My eyes refuse to open at first, but as the arm around my waist shifts and grazes my thigh, I jerk up and let out a small squeak.

Fynn wakes next to me, his eyes opening wide as he stares. I frown,shoving him off of the bed, and he hits the floor with a thump. "You really need to stop sleeping in the bed with me," I mutter, and I don't miss the hurtful expression that dances on his face.

"I'm sorry, Sofia. I just..." he trails off and stands up, popping his shoulders. "I just sleep better next to you."

I jerk the curtains open, looking at the way the sun is setting in the sky. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Couple hours, I guess. We found you passed out against a tree. I guess you were tired."

Shaking my head, I rub my eyes with the back of my hand and let out a little groan. "I had the weirdest dream, Fynn. Sebastian turned into a wolf and then there was another wolf that seemed to follow me."

"That wasn't a dream, Sofia."

At his words, my chest locks up, and I feel myself start to panic. Fynn crosses the space between us and his arms wrap around my waist,burying his face into my neck. I can't bring myself to fight him off as I grip the edge of the window and lean over, my breath coming out short and laboured.

"What do you mean it wasn't a dream?" I murmur, turning around to face him. He searches my face, wiping his thumb across my cheek, and leans his forehead against mine.

"I saw the same thing you did, Sofia. I don't know how it happened,but it did."

"Oh, god."

I lean my head against the window and massage my temples, replaying the image over in my head. Fynn is watching me, and I can see it in his eyes as he battles the want to come over to me and to give me my space.

"He turned into a furry dog!"

Fynn stifles a laugh and shoves his hands into his pockets. "In his defense, sweetheart, he is a giant, furry wolf."

"Same thing!"

A soft hand knocks on the door, and my aunt steps in, a warm smile on her face. "How are you feeling, Sofia?"

"Well, I just found out my boyfriend turns into a big dog."

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion before it seems to register on her face, her eyes growing wide. "Sebastian was..."

Fynn nods, and I look at the both of them as I try to figure out their conversation. "He was what?"

"Nothing, Sofia. There isn't anything to worry about."

I stare at the two of them, confused, and lower my eyes to my hands. There is a faint, silver scar that runs up my wrist, and I sigh to myself. My aunt wraps her arm around my waist, tugging me outside. It takes everything in me to not cough into her side, and the faint aroma of fresh bread wraps around me.

At the smell, I give a light moan, and start to cough.

"You like it?" Fynn asks, smiling down at me. I nod, and quickly make my way downstairs.

"My grand-mère used to make me fresh challah at least once a week," I say, my throat tightening a bit. "I started to make her some myself when she fell ill."

"You can bake?" my uncle asks, smiling over at me. As he unties the apron from around his neck, I peek over and smile to myself.

"I was taught early on. I helped in the bakery in town, and after awhile, I had to quit. But I continued cooking for grand-mère all the time."

Her Protective MateWhere stories live. Discover now