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Sorry for the delay, guys!  I do not really have an excuse, other than I have just lacked major creativity and motivation in writing and I have been too stressed out with work.  Enjoy this chapter ♥

Above is Sebby's wolf.  I imagined him being the colour of chocolate.


When I wake up, the room smells like woods and pine needles. I turn around, wanting to get up, but a pair of arms keep me locked on the bed. They snuggle into me, the warmth flooding through my body, and I feel their hands snake around my waist.

Turning, I stare at Fynn, brushing the hair out of his face. "Sofia," he mumbles, tired. I smile at his voice, the pain gone, and I yawn.

"What happened?" I ask, pulling myself into a sitting position. Fynn nestles his face in my lap, running his fingers over my bare thigh. I stiffen as he grazes a scar, but he doesn't ask.

"It's nothing, kitten. Your body was reacting violently towards the sickness. We called May, and she managed to get some antibiotics for you."

Nodding, I look around my room, letting out a small breath. "About what happened after the arcade..."

As my voice trails off, he leans up, hovering over me to stare into my eyes. "Do not apologise, Sofia," he growls, and I lower my eyes to my lap. With a tap to my chin, I look up at him. "He was in the wrong, not you, kitten."

I offer him a small smile before nodding. "I don't plan to stay with Sebastian," I tell him, and hope seems to dance in his eyes.

"That's good to hear."

Laughing a little, I cough, and he leans over to hand me a glass and a small white pill. I stare at it curiously before remembering that my aunt had gotten me antibiotics, and I pop it in my mouth quickly.

"Let's go on a date, Sofia."

Choking on my water, I peer over the rim of the glass to stare at Fynn, seeing the soft rosy blush on his cheeks. "But I'm sick," I tease, and his face falls. "But I'll go with you."

"Really?" his smile is contagious, and I tilt my head as I stare at him more. "You told me yes once and then denied me at least four times."

I roll my eyes and shove him off the bed, smiling. "Go find something to do, Fynn. I want to sleep."

"Sleep well, kitten. Yell if you need me because I'll be in Jonah's room."

He kisses my forehead, and I sigh at the comforting warmth. When I blink, he's gone, and I settle down into the pillows with a yawn.


Sitting at the base of the stairs, I listen to my parents arguing. Their voices are loud, demanding, and I bury my face into my hands.

"She must never know!" My mother yells.

"Celia, it's in her blood. Sofia needs to know what she is!"

They spark my curiosity there, and like any little kid, I run up to them. My parents seem shocked to see me, but quickly mask it with a smile on their faces as if they haven't argued all day.

"What am I, daddy?" I ask innocently, pouting my lip for good measure.

I hear mother sigh, and she walks off, shaking her head back and forth as if she's disappointed in me. My father kneels down, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear before smiling at me.

"You are so many wonderful things, Sofia. One day, you'll learn all about it."

I pout again, and he swings me in his arms. "Tell me now, daddy! What am I, what am I?"

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