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My aunts door is shoved open, and Jonah is staring at us, confusion written on his features. After asking Fynn the question, he had grown tense and refused to speak, dragging me the entire way to my aunts. I whimper as his grip tightens around my wrist, and Evan hisses at him.

"Let her go, Fynn. You're hurting her."

I'm let go immediately, Fynn storming upstairs as he leaves me alone in the living room. My body trembles on its own, and Jonah wraps his arm around my shoulder, walking with me towards my room.

"Everything okay, princessa?" he murmurs, holding the door open for me.

I shake my head, coughing into my jacket, before rubbing the tears from my face. "I just asked him a question and he just immediately shut me out and turned cold. What did I do wrong?"

He gives me a sad smile and helps me take the jacket off, shaking his head. "Nothing. Fynn is just an overly sensitive baby. Go take a shower to warm up, and I will go talk to him. Don't forget to take your medicine, Sof."

When he leaves, I pop the pill into my mouth and strip off the shirt,rubbing my arms to warm myself. There is a sudden draft that seeps into the room, and I look around, watching as the curtain flutters in the cold breeze. Curiously, I step over, looking out the window for any traces of what could have left it open.

As I find nothing, I close it quickly, standing up with a low sigh.

"My, my, my," someone grunts, and I quickly turn around, shielding my body. "Don't you look like a keeper." I try to not let the disgust show on my face and get ready to open my mouth to call for Fynn, but one look from the man standing in my room and it has me freezing in my spot. "Do it, and everyone in this house will die."

"What do you want?" I ask, feigning the courage that I do not have.

His smile grows sinister, and he closes the distance between us, holding his hand over my mouth. "You."

I whimper in the bag that is placed over my head, but someone grips my thigh, close to the edge of my shorts. Still not wearing a shirt, I try to fold over myself, but I'm shoved upright, hearing the men in the car laugh.

A hand grips at my right breast, and I bite on my lip to keep from crying, tugging at my hands behind my back as they rub against the rope. They start to laugh again, and I tug harder, feeling another set of hands pull me back and keep me on my back, unable to move. The hands gripping me grow frenzied, and I let out a muffled cry as they slip beneath my shorts, tugging them down.

"S-Stop!"I cry, but they laugh, holding the bag tighter until I get dizzy, and darkness overtakes me.

When I wake up again, the room is dark, but this time I am lying on a bed,a thin blanket wrapped around my body. I sit up, stiffness bleeding in my arms and legs. I gaze around, desperate to find a window or doorway to get out of, but unable to see anything in the darkness. Whimpering, I get up, holding the blanket tightly around my body. I feel around the walls, stumbling over items strewn on the floor,before finally grasping something.

I twist the knob, throwing the door open, to reveal two guys standing in front of the doorway, quirking an eyebrow at me. Cowering, I stumble backwards, panic seizing at my chest, and watch as one walks away.

"Where am I at?" I whisper, trying to not panic. The man stares at me before turning away, facing the area outside of the room.

Cautiously, I peek around him, looking at the row of doors all similar to mine with two people standing outside of it. I hear one of the doors open, and watch as a girl, bloodied and bruised, ran out of it,stumbling before she was tackled. Her cries pierced my chest, and I watched the guy watching my door smirk before moving aside, revealing the dark haired man who was standing in my bedroom.

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