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"So you guys made up?"

I feel myself blush as I look away from Sebastian's smirking face, his eyebrow quirking at us. Not answering, I take a bite of the bread on the table and make an effort to stuff my mouth full, hearing everyone laugh at us.

"I'm sure they did more than just making up," Jonah teases, and I watch as Fynn punches his shoulder, shooting him a warning glare.

"Dude, stay out of it," he growls, his cheeks pink with embarrassment.

I laugh a little, taking a long drink of water to not have to speak. The topic quickly changes to something else, and I twirl the pasta around my fork, different flavours erupting on my tongue.

"So, Sofia," Jonah asks, looking at me. "What are you planning to do?"

"I'm sorry?" I ask, chewing slowly on the bread.

"About your relationship with Fynn. Are you going to stay here now?"

I look over at Fynn, seeing him engrossed in his food, not daring to look up. I knew a part of me wanted to stay, wanting me to stick to his side forever, but the other part of me wanted to go home to the familiarity of my cottage.

"I don't know yet," I answer, watching as Fynn excuses himself.

Sebastian looked between us, frowning, before nodding his head. "Go talk to him, Sofia."

Excusing myself, I take my plate to the kitchen and run to catch up with him, closing the door behind myself with a soft thump. Looking down the street, I catch the back of Fynn's head and I run after him, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.

"Fynn!" I call, grabbing his hand. "Fynn, please, talk to me." When he didn't move, I whimper, gripping to feel the warmth between us. "Please."

Slowly, he looks over at me, sighing. "I love you, Sofia. But you need to tell me right now if you want a future with me. No more of this indecisive shit."

I feel my eyes water, and I pull him against me. "I want a future with you, Fynn, but I don't want to let go of everything I am used to. What about my cottage?"


Someones heels began to click against the sidewalk, and I look over to see Chloe smirking at me, her hands lying delicately on her hips. "There you are," she purrs, looking at Fynn. "Why haven't you called me back?"

I look between the two of them, taking slow steps back. Fynn shakes his head, confused, and goes to grab my hand.

"Sofia, I don't know what she's talking about," he pleads, panicking.

Chloe clicks her tongue, a look of distaste appearing on her face. "You don't have to lie, Fynn. You haven't seen her in over a year. She can't control who you're with while she's gone."

Anger floods through my body, and I narrow my eyes at her. "You're lying," I growl at her, stepping closer.

"I am not. Did he tell you that he's never slept with anyone? I can tell all over that you two did it."

My body began to heat up, and I felt myself shake as I close the distance between us. Something so unlike myself, I raise my fist, feeling it connect with her jaw. Chloe fell to the ground, her eyes flashing black as she growls at me.

"Seriously?" I ask, looking at Fynn. "Another one?"

"Another what?" he asks, frowning in confusion.

I shake my head, turning back to her. "Go somewhere else, Chloe. I trust Fynn, not you."

"Really?" She asks slowly, standing up. I watch her fish out her phone, thumbing through it before showing me a photo of her and Fynn kissing, a smirk on her face. "Still doubt me?"

My vision went red, and I felt the burn in my body grow. Soon, there was an ache in my bones as I took slow steps towards her, my body bending and breaking on its own. I felt my head shake from side to side, but I was in and out on focusing on Chloe, fear forming on her face.

When I was a foot away from her, I growled, lunging at her. I watch as claws sink into her chest, the bright, red blood oozing out. She gasps in pain, tears forming in her eyes, and I watch as I'm being pulled off of her.

 When I am a safe distance, I'm let go, and I stare at the blood on me. Looking in a puddle of water on the road, I find myself staring back, looking through the eyes of a wolf.


Quick epilogue!  So, Sofia shifted for the first time.  Finally!

Above is her wolf.  I had so much fun writing this story even though I took a mild hiatus through the middle of it.  So glad to see it finished though ugh.

Hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have!


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