Punk Rock Angel

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A/N: Hello all! Thank you for your support. For reading, voting, and commenting. I appreciate your support immensely! 

SimplyBooklogical: Thank you for your feedback! 

CapricornKitty1975: Is true. It is rated M for a reason which is also why I put that disclaimer on the first chapter. Thank you for your thoughts!

Jofisk: I've seen others put chapter warnings even with the M rating and I wanted to know if that is what my readers preferred. I'll leave it at only providing warnings on the lemon chapters. 

I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please vote and provide comments. They are both loved and appreciated. 

The moment I walk through the door, the music erupting from the speakers instantly takes hold of me. The rhythmic beat entices me to join the rapture that was 'night life.' Something I am all to happy to take part in. 

The room grew darker with each step I took with the exception of the different color strobe lights. The lights flash across the walls, the floor, and the bodies dancing in the center of the room, moving rhythmically to the music. My pupils dilate to drink in every ounce of possible light in the dark room. The decor consisted primarily of black marble and various metals giving the bar a punk or gothic feel to it. 

Oh! A live band. Look at that. A small smile crept across my lips. There were five young men in the band. The headliner was a petite male who played guitar. There was a drummer, a bass guitarist, someone on the keyboard, and lastly a slender male playing the violin. I must admit, they aren't bad. 

My eyes flick away from the band and eventually land on the object I of my desire...the bar. It is tucked away in its own corner. Beautiful shining silver filigree laced up the dark black pillars of marble. I take the length of the room in only a few strides. My eyes drink in the large dark wooden shelving behind the two bartenders; each shelf full to capacity with different variations of liqueurs. I take a seat off to one side of the bar and trace my lips with my index finger, pondering over my poison of choice. 

I nod my head at the bartender closest to me. He had twirls a bottle in his hand and pours the liquid into a shot glass for another patron before smiling at me. The blonde bartender returns my nod, giving me good indication that he sees me and will get to me when he can. 

After a few minutes of serving patrons, the blonde approaches me. His honey brown eyes smile warmly at me. I don't know this guy at all, but I already like him. I guess that is what bartenders do. Right? Make you like them and open up to them? Right? Right. 

"What can I getcha?" the tall male leans on the bar, bringing him closer to me.

I glance across the bottles on the shelf one last time to make sure I know what I want. His honey brown eyes trace my features, waiting patiently for me to order. I glance down not wanting him to recognize me. Sure...I have a beany and colored contacts, but my face is still the same.

"You okay bud?" the bartender asks.

"I'm fine," I mumble. I clear my throat and glance up at him just long enough to order," I will take a Jack and Coke. Heavy on the Jack." My head tilts back down and I play with the corners of a napkin that was placed in front of me.

"You got it!" he comments enthusiastically, drawing my attention back to him. He twirls a glass in his hand while pulling out a bottle of Coke and the whiskey. I watch in awe as he juggles the three items before gently placing them on the counter and mixing the two ingredients to make my drink. He tosses a maraschino cherry into it and slides it over to me.

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