The Decision

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A/N: Hello all! Thank you for your support! Thank you soooo very much *hugs*

Jofisk: Seto is all kinds of wound up lol. Typical Seto.

CapricornKitty1975: *Hands a tissue.* Thank you. I'm happy they are at least going to fix it, but I'm not taking my car back there to be fixed again.

MadHatter5046: Your reaction seriously made my day lol. Don't worry, Yugi will be back and then you can tell him how Atemu feels.

Thank you all again for taking the time to read this story. Votes and comments are appreciated! Now, on to the chapter.

Ra, I wish this pounding would stop! I bury my head under my pillow in an attempt to shroud myself in darkness and silence. Where the fuck is that pounding coming from? It is only then while my head is smashed between the pillow and the mattress that I realize the pounding was not coming from inside my head, but the door. Ugh..what time is it? I crack an eye open and peer out from underneath my pillow at the digital clock on the nightstand. The bright numbers display 4:20. It has to be AM or Seto would have come to pull my ass out of bed a long time ago for our flight. Who the hell could be at the door this time of morning?

"Come in!" I holler from under my pillow cave. The pounding continues, "Come in!" I yell louder in annoyance. Oh. Right. Hotel room. They can't come in unless I let them in. Well shit. I roll out of bed and fall ungracefully to the floor in a pile of tangled blankets and limbs. I knock the empty bottle of vodka and it rolls away from where I dropped it next to the bed a few hours earlier. I scramble to a standing position as the banging persists.

"I'm coming!" I growl out. My hand encircles the cool metal knob and pulls the door open; the light of the hallway temporarily blinding me. I blink a few times, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the unrelenting brightness.

"Um..hello," said a soft and gentle voice.

"Yugi?" I squint through the blur at the petite guitarist standing in the doorway, "please come in."

"Thanks," Yugi smiles and looks me over. His delicate black eyebrow arches, "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I let go of the door, allowing it to close and plunge the hotel room back into darkness. I stumble back to the bed and flop down on my stomach, nuzzling the pillow.

"Would you mind if I turn a light on?" Yugi asks hesitantly.

"Mophlkjeo," I mumble into the pillow and realize there is no way in hell he will understand that gibberish. I shift and repeat, "Go ahead."

The hallway light near the door flickers on. Thankfully, he turned that one and not the overbearing and bright light in the center of the room. I hear his quiet footsteps come closer to the bed before a weight pulls the mattress down next to me. He must have sat down. I feel him shift and hear him pick up the bottle. Crap. I should have shoved that thing under the bed or something.

"Atemu?" he whispers.

"Hmmm?" I slightly roll over to look at him. His large amethyst eyes trace my features.

"Are you hungover?" he waves the empty bottle slightly.

"Mmm," was my response to him. He let out a sigh and places the bottle down. He reaches for the phone and enters a few numbers on the keypad.

"What are you doing?" I mumble, shielding my eyes from the light with my arm.

"Ordering some supplies," he responds with a gentle and friendly tone.

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