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A/N: Ello all. Thank you for your support. You are all amazing.

TheDarkDemonGirl: Atemu: You can't stay mad at me *winks*

CapricornKitty1975: Interesting theories. You'll have to wait a little bit longer before you can see if your theories are correct about Bakura. 

Mikichan10: At this point, Ryou probably wouldn't mind it. 

Ryou: Hell I'll help you!

Everyone: *Blinks at Ryou in surprise*

AmeliaAsakura2: *Comforts*

Atemu: It was totally my fault. I was an idiot for getting carried away. 

jofisk: Support is important. It's hard going through anything like that alone. 

Also, as always, I do not own the song in this chapter. It is "Scream" by Adelitas Way. Hope you like the chapter. Please vote and leave comments on your way out. 

What time is it? And what is with this band and waking people up? I remove my arm from around Yugi's and Ryou's waists to stretch. The pounding at the door grows louder.

"Who is that?" Yugi's tired voice drifts through the darkness.

"No clue, but I'll go find out," I respond, rolling out of bed. The albino lets out a soft whimper.

"Shhhh, it's okay, Ryou. You are safe here," Yugi soothes Ryou as I approach the door. I blink several times, attempting to get my vision back after the bright hallway light renders me blind.

"Atemu," Uh oh. I know that voice. Bakura's tall form becomes clearer when my eyes adjust to the light.

"What can I do for you, Bakura?" I ask in a hoarse, tired voice.

"Is Ryou here?" he narrows his eyes at me, leaning against the door frame.

"Yes," I respond with a yawn.

"Well? Can I see him?" he presses.

"I don't think that would be such a good idea," I fold my arms over my chest, every muscle in my body tensing. Right now, I am the guardian of this hotel room and he is not coming in.

"That's bullocks, Atemu. Why the fuck would it not be a good idea?" he leans closer, his form towering over me, daunting and intimidating. The pungent scent of body odor overpowered his cologne, even though he smelled like he had bathed in cologne. 

"He's very upset. Just give him tonight. You can talk to him in the morning... preferably after eight," I growl. It was only then that I get a good look at our bass guitarist. He is wearing tight black jeans with a dark navy blue t-shirt. He has a black silk scarf wrapped around his left arm, just above the elbow. I narrow my eyes at him.

"What?" he growls, "What are you staring at?"

"You look like you are ready for our concert," I tilt my head to the side, my eyes roaming his body in confusion.

"So what if I am?" he snaps.

"Bakura, the concert doesn't start until much later tonight. Why would you be ready at... what ungodly hour is this?" I ask, arching an eyebrow at him.

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