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A/N: Hai!!! *Waves like a maniac.* Thank you for reading and for your support.

mikichan10: Yay! I appreciate it! Thank you!

jofisk: After what they just went through, the definitely did!

Dragyns13: *Giggles* You and your nosebleeds. Not that I blame you. I'm just as bad.

I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please vote and comment as you like.

"We should pick up the game where it left off," Ryou grins at the rest of us as we walk through the lobby of our hotel in Paris.

"Fuck no," Malik snorts, "If we play again, we start over. The only thing I think we should carry over is Atemu's benefits. He stumped the group so he gets one free wrong guess without losing an article of clothing."

"Let's pick up there in Yugi and Atemu's room then?" Ryou requests, his silver eyebrow arching in question.

"No thanks, Ryou," Yugi responds shifting Arahas in his grip, "I think we could all use some sleep."

"Yugi's right. You all have a busy day tomorrow. You should get some rest," Seto states, shoving his bag into Joey's arms. The blonde stumbles for a few moments, attempting to get a better grip on his own luggage in addition to Seto's.

"What do we have tomorrow?" Bakura's icy gaze drifts over Seto.

"I'll tell you that in the morning," Seto snaps. His long slim fingers wrap around Joey's belt and tugs the blonde in the direction of the elevators.

Bakura growls, his cold espresso eyes narrowing in the direction Seto and Joey had just disappeared. He turned to face Marik and me, "Do either of you feel like having a mini adventure?"

I tilt my head to the side and squint in confusion, "What do you have planned?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll come and get you later," Bakura whispers through his teeth before taking a surprised Ryou by the arm and leading him away.

"I'm afraid to ask," Yugi giggles.

"Since this is Bakura, I wouldn't bother. Just go with the flow," Malik winks at us and guides Marik up to their own room.


A light knock at the door brings me out of my half unconscious state of being. Yugi is nestled in bed next to me, his head resting against my shoulder and his small arm clutching my chest. I gently lift his arm off of me and slide out from underneath him. I tug my jeans on before going to the door. Bakura and Marik are standing in the hall way. A large yawn emerges from Marik's lips while Bakura taps his foot impatiently.

"What do you have planned?" I ask silently pulling the door closed.

"Just tell me which room is Seto's and then shut the fuck up," Bakura's whisper came out more like a hiss than a whisper.

"544," I respond, "Why?"

"Come on," Bakura turn towards the direction of Seto's room and glides down the hall.

A few seconds later we stand facing a door with a golden plaque that read "Executive Suite: 544."

"Marik, you're up," Bakura steps aside, making room for the blonde Egyptian. Marik nods and kneels in front of the key card plate. What... are they doing?

Marik reaches in his pocket and withdraws a large pocket knife. He wiggles the blade into the small crease. A few seconds later, the metal cover pops off revealing the wires within. They are breaking into Seto's room? But why?

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