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A/N: Thank you for your support. You are all amazing.

Lily_Da_Lemon121: Revenge has to be better than coffee. I can't believe I said that, but it's true.

jofisk: He did have to wait a long time.

Atemu: But it was completely worth it.

Yugi: Don't you do that again!

Atemu: *Smirks*

Yugi: Atemu....

Atemu: Okay.. okay. I won't.

Blackxxxxdarkness: Yay! Glad you enjoyed the chapter.

CapricornKitty1975: *hugs* Woot! Thank you!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Please vote and leave comment on your way out.

The hotel room I enter is dark and eerie. I feel like I'm being watched. I bite my lip, setting the keycard down on what I think is the desk before reaching for the light. A weight pounces on my back and pushes me to my knees.

"That was naughty, Atemu," Yugi's voice ghosts over the shell of my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"It was just a little pleasurable revenge for the last time you did it to me," I chuckle and lower us to the ground, wiggling in Yugi's grip until we are face-to-face in the darkness. The dim light from the cracked curtains allows me to see his figure. He leans closer to me; his body presses firmly against mine. His petal soft lips meld to mine. His tongue playfully dances and caresses within my mouth.

"Is that so?" he giggles.

"Mhm!" I smirk. Without warning, I roll us over and position myself on top of him. I pind his arms over his head with one hand. My other hand moves down his chest and locates his side.

"It's not nice to sneak up on someone, Yugi," I nibble his ear and my fingers pinch at his sides. He squeaks from the initial pinch. I reposition myself to straddle his hips; both of my hands mercilessly attack his sides. Fits of giggles pour from his sweet mouth until he is gasping for breath.

"Mercy! I give! I give!" He screams in between his giggles.

"I don't this so," I continue my tickle torture on his sides as he wriths below me. His small hands clutch at my wrists, trying to bush them away from his sides.

"Atemu, please! Mercy! I'm going to pee!" he squeaks. I smile and remove my hands from his sides to rest near his head. I leaned over him and claimed his lips for my own. He moaned into the kiss, arching up into me. Ra, I love him. Our tongues entwine in a heated passionate kiss.

I break the kiss only when the need for air becomes dire. I reluctantly pull away, gasping for breath, "Truce?"

"Truce," he gigglsd again. "I won't give you a handjob or blowjob under the table again if you don't do it to me again. Deal?"

"Deal," I nuzzle his neck. I stand and help my petite rock angel to his feet. Yugi opens the curtains, revealing the bright sunlight and cloudless sky. I lay on the bed and wait for Yugi to join me, my eyes never leaving his form as he kicks his boots off and crawls onto the bed next to me.

Yugi's star-filled amethyst pools lock me in their captivating gaze. His lips twitch, curving downward into a small frown. My eyebrows furrow as I watch him, waiting for him to tell me what is bothering him.

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