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A/N: Hey all. Things are starting to get crazy again so the updates may be fewer and further between. This is the really busy time of year for us at work. Thank you all for your continued support. it means the world to me. Thank you! *hugs*

QUEENOFFANFICTION102: I absolutely love that song too.

Dragyns13: It's okay! But you may want to keep some tissues handy. There may be another steamy chapter coming up here soon *Grins.*

jofisk: Atemu is maturing... in a way lol. Being with the band is doing good things for him.

CapricornKitty1975: Excellent! Thank you! I really try  to have character development in my stories.

AmeliaAsakura2: *Giggles and snorts.*

Also, I do not own the song in this chapter! It is "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC. Hope you enjoy the chapter, please vote and comment. They are both greatly appreciated.

I walk down the hall towards Seto's room. I know our concert is tonight, but it would be nice to know if we have to go running off to the next location immediately following the concert. I honestly have no idea where we are even going next. 

I pause as I near the next corner. It sounds like a heated conversation between Seto and Joey is underway. I peer around the corner, not wanting to interrupt their conversation nor get in the way of whatever Seto might be bitching about now.

Joey is leaning against the wall; his head slightly down with the blonde bangs hiding his eyes, making him look like a kicked puppy. Seto is leaning in close to Joey, one arm propped up on the wall near Joey's shoulder.

"You are useless, Wheeler!" Seto snaps at the blonde. Great. What did poor Joey do or not do this time? I stiffen, ready to round the corner at any moment and come to Joey's rescue. What? Someone has to try and prevent Seto from being such an asshole. Not that it ever works. Something catches my eye and brings me back out of my thoughts. It is Joey...he That's not a smile. He is smirking.

"Your personality is completely useless,  Kaiba. You have about as much personality a rock and I'm not talking about those cool looking geodes," Joey retorts, his head raising to make eye contact with our manager. I wince. Seto is not going to be too happy about that comment.

"I would have been better off with a chimp for my assistant!" Seto growls out between his teeth. Honestly, what did Joey do? "A chimp would be smarter than you, smell better than you, and probably at least get something right every once in a while...  unlike you."

"At least if you had a chimp for an assistant, it could teach you how to do your hair," Joey's hand reaches up and shakes  Seto's neatly styled hair, sending the brunet strands spiking up in strange directions, "This perfectly neat hair is unnatural man." I bite back my laugh. Joey's in for it now.

Seto grabs Joey's wrist tightly and lean in closer to the blonde. "Don't touch my hair," Seto hisses.

Joey's smirk only growls larger and he pulls his wrist out of Seto's grasp, "Fine."

Seto shifts, leaning away and eyeing Joey. The cerulean pools glide up and down Joey's entire form. Seto reaches into his coat pocket and hands Joey something, "I listened to the recording. It sounds good. Take it to the local radio station. After that, don't forget to pick up what I told you to pick up. It is important that you don't forget."

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