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A/N: *Pass out* Loooong chapter. Oh man.

As always, thank you for supporting me. You are all wonderful and I appreciate you.

mikichan10: Because I lurv to write and I lurv my readers. It means so much to me when I hear my writing entices an emotion or a bunch of emotions.

Dragyns13: Lol quit apologizing! I love reading your comments. I know where you're coming from.

QUEENOFFANFICTION102: Because you are human and I'm a pain in the butt?

AmeliaAsakura2: *hugs and gives a cookie* This chapter isn't as sad. It's actually a bit funny... I think... I hope.

jofisk: Indeed! It's was hard to write even.

CapricornKitty1975: Our poor little rock angel has lost so much. He has to learn that he isn't alone and he needs to open his heart more.

StripyBunny003: Thank you so very much for your support! I didn't use to respond to comments like this. I prefer it this way though. The way I see it, my readers don't have to post a comment, hell they don't even have to read. But since they took the time to post a comment, I can at least take a moment to let them know I appreciate it.

11Heaven: *hugs* Hopefully I will get some giggles out of you for this chapter.

Without further ado, here is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. *hugs to all* Please vote and comment as you wish! You know they are both appreciated.

I spent the rest of the evening with my back against the headboard of the bed and Yugi curled up in my lap, his head resting against my chest. Periodically, his hands would grope at the flesh on my chest tightly, followed by a soft whimper. Anytime that would happen, my fingertips would gently glide up and down his back, drawing small comforting designs into his back. I could feel his body relaxing against mine after a few minutes of the caressing. Arahas nuzzled close to Yugi as well. He curled up on my stomach next to Yugi, his small pink nose constantly touching Yugi's.

I hear the lock click and the door swing open. I sigh, too tired to fight with whoever it is for not knocking. I glance over at the clock on the nightstand and see that it is just after 11 am. Seto appears at the foot of the bed a few seconds later. His jaw drops as he glances around the room. I had cleaned most of it, but there are still blood stains all over the carpet and walls, there is a large hole in the wall where Yugi punched his fist through it, the mirror is shattered and there is a pile of glass shards on the desk.

"What.... Happened here, Yami?" his cold cerulean eyes lock on Yugi and I.

"I can't tell you, Seto. That is between Yugi and I. We are both okay and before you ask, no, we did not get into a fight. That is all you need to know. Also, do not worry about the mess. I will pay for it out of my own pocket," my eyes lock on his. I see his features subtly relax, "What can I do for you?"

"You both need to get ready to go. Our flight to Paris leaves at 1 pm," he responds, "Do you want me to send up the manager for you to talk to regarding this disaster?"

I nod, "I would appreciate that."

"Very well. Be downstairs and ready to go in two hours," Seto comments, waving his farewell and taking his leave. A large sigh escapes my lips as I glance down at the still sleeping form of Yugi. I brush he long bangs out of his face.

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