What Were You Thinking?

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A/N: Hello all. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for voting, and in general for your support. You are the driving force behind me still being around and working on stories.

CapricornKitty1975: Someone needs to make that video. It would be so kick ass.

Jofisk: They sure did have a blast. He didn't make it though. He had some whenever they had breaks. Sorry I didn't clarify that.


Ukume279: Glad you loved it!

Atemu: She loved me.

Bakura: You're kidding yourself. She loves Yugi.

Atemu: ehs..mine...

Bakura: What was that?

Atemu: Nothing.

Bakura: That's what I thought *smirks.*

Anyway, moving on. Thank you for being you. Please vote and comment if you like what you read. It helps motivate me to get the revamped chapters up even faster.

We did not land in Malaysia until the wee morning hours and we did not officially get checked into the hotel until almost 7 am. We've been awake for almost 48 hours straight. The little bit of sleep I did get on the jet was not exactly restful. Marik snores like an asthmatic banshee. Bakura looked seconds away from suffocating the tallest Egyptian. I honestly wonder how Malik puts up with it.

Due to the lack of sleep, my vision is blurred, my eyes sting, and my eyelids are drooping with the heavy weight of exhaustion. We all trudge up to the rooms we are assigned. The group seems to be perfectly content sharing rooms; so we all agree to continue sharing rooms instead of each getting our own rooms. Seto did not have any problems with this whatsoever as it dramatically decreases our expenses.

Yugi lifts his luggage onto the bed he claimed for our stay in Malaysia; his tired amethyst eyes drift over to me, "I'm going to Bakura and Ryou's room for a little while. I want to talk to Ryou about something."

What could possibly be so important that it couldn't wait until after we've slept? I must be so transparent; my face giving away my thoughts, because Yugi pauses for a moment and smiles at me.

"Don't worry about it. There is just something I really need to talk to Ryou about. I'll be back in a bit," he grabs his keycard from the wooden dresser and shoves the plastic rectangle into his pocket. He completely read me like an open book just now. I'm not use to someone being able to read me that well. It must be because I am so tired. I sigh as I watch Yugi open the door and exit the room.

"Fuck," I mutter out to the empty room. This place better have a good minibar. I haven't had much time to drink while filming the music video aside from a nip here and there during breaks. It wasn't enough. I can't wait to feel the comforting tingle of a substantial amount of alcohol. I fling the door open to the mini fridge and see a Portuguese Port with 22% alcohol content. A grin spreads across my lips as I reach into the mini fridge and grab the bottle. I open the port in one fluid motion; downing the first few gulps within a matter of seconds. The comforting and familiar sensation of the alcohol hitting my blood stream courses through me. My body relaxes just slightly and I take another sip.

Why wasn't I invited to this little pow-wow with Ryou? A pout pulls the corners of my lips down. I shuffle into the bathroom; bumping into a wall on the way in. Damn wall. It seriously just jumped out at me... completely out of nowhere.

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