Seeking Comfort

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A/N: Hello everyone. Thank you for your support. You taking time from your day to read each chapter really means a lot to me. I appreciate you.

Jofisk: Oh yes. Withdrawal seriously sucks. He has to learn how to control his intake of alcohol.

CapricornKitty1975: Of course they do. They each have their own skeleton hiding in the deep dark closet. Their specific skeletons are revealed a little bit latter in the story. It's about something that is sooooooo painfully obvious to almost everyone a bit later.

I don't own the song in this chapter. It is "If We Hold on Together" by Diana Ross.

Thank you again for your support. Please vote and comment. Both are very much appreciated and welcome. I hope you enjoy  the chapter.

"Wha..." I grunt, "What are you doing? Get off of me!" my eyes flutter open after receiving quite the surprising wake up call. I squirm under the added weight of Bakura sitting on my stomach and Ryou pinning my wrists over my head. What am I missing here? Why the hell am I on the floor?

"Good morning sunshine," Ryou winks down at me from his position kneeling by my head.

"It's about time you wake up! You almost gave Ryou a black eye," Bakura hisses.

"What?" I ask, glancing over at Ryou. The chocolate eyed albino nods and releases his grip around my wrists.

"You tried to kick me a few times too," Bakura's eyes narrow at me from his position on top of me.

"What? Why would I do that?" I ask while still trying to squirm out from underneath Bakura.

"You were sleep walking, Atemu," Ryou answers.

"I...I...what?" That just doesn't make any sense. I never sleep walk. What the hell is with that? Bakura shifts on my stomach and ends up kneeing me in the side. I let out a groan, "Get off of me."

Bakura sneers, "Make me."

Mhmm. Fine. He wants to play that game. Why not? I'll bite. I brace my feet on the carpeted floor and tense my muscles. Bakura arches his eyebrow; observing each and every single movement I make. In one fluid motion, I tighten the muscles in my core, lift my pelvis off the ground and shift to the side causing Bakura's balance to hinder. In the microsecond before Bakura could regain his balance, I buck my hips further upwards and send Bakura flying over my head. He lands on top of Ryou; the two albinos a mess of silver hair and alabaster limbs. I chuckle at the scowl etched onto Bakura's lips.

"Foul play," he growls.

"Uh huh. I really don't think so. You told me to make you move. So I did," I shrug with a smirk.

"Smart ass," he shakes his head.

"Me? A Smart ass? Never.." I stand and offer my hand to help the two albinos off the floor. "So what exactly happened anyway?" I glance over to Ryou, feeling honestly a little nervous to find out what I had done to warrant me laying on the floor and being pinned by both of them.

"Well, you got up about fifteen minutes ago and started walking towards the mini refrigerator. You were not quiet at all about it either I might add," he chuckles softly before continuing, "You ended up tripping on your bag and falling on top of Bakura."

"How do you know I was going for the mini refrigerator?" I ask thoroughly confused.

" soon as Bakura pinned you, you said 'get the fuck off of me I want a drink," Ryou recites.

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