Club Performance

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A/N: I'm soooooooooo sorry. I know. I know. Been ages for the update. Been way too long. I'm awful! So sorry. 

Thank you all for your support and your luv <3 I appreciate it. 

Dragyns13: *Giggles* Don't worry. I'll look after you. 

Yamitheprince: LOL!

TheDarkDemonGirl: You should see me when I'm tipsy or drunk. I'm such a happy giggly drunk. I don't think I'm as bad as Malik though. 

AmeliaAsakura2: <3 our Drama Queen!

11Heaven: I'm glad I creeped at least one person out with this one. *Grins*

Jofisk: I would jump at any opportunity to climb in Yami's lap. 

Mikichan10: I suck at that game too. I think people just love making me play to laugh at me lol. 

CapricornKitty1975: Playing anything with these guys would be fun. They could probably turn Monopoly into a fun game. You about to go bankrupt? Have no fear! Just strip!

Okay all. You know the drill. I don't own the song in this chapter. It's "Freakshow" by Skillet. Please vote and comment if you wish. I appreciate all the things!

I... don't remember putting on a scarf last night before bed. One of my eyes slowly cracks open. It is still too dark to really see anything. I feel the warmth of Yugi's petite body lying next to mine, his form rising and falling gently with each breath he takes.

I glance around the room; an attempt to see anything at all, but it is still too dark. I wonder what time it is. My hand rises to touch the fuzz around my neck. It takes me a few seconds to realize it isn't a scarf. It is in fact, Arahas. He had curled up on my neck and fallen asleep. I'm honestly not sure how I was able to sleep with him there, but.. go figure.

I smile when Yugi shifts next to me, nuzzling he face closer to mine. I can feel his breath dancing across my cheek. A large yawn passes across my lips while I stretch. Arahas is not thrilled about my movement and decides to exchange sleeping on my neck for a surface that wouldn't move around.

"Yami," Seto's voice breaks the silence of the room. I am suddenly blinded by a beam of light  shining directly into my eyes. "Good you are awake," I can hear the smirk in his voice.

I roll my yes, "I am now." Yami: 20, Seto: 12.

"Good," he lowers the light from my eyes.

"What time is it?" I grumble, stretching my limbs and trying to avoid disturbing Yugi.

"Eight thirty," Seto responds, "Time to get up."

"Why? It's too dark to do anything except sleep anyway," Yugi's small voice cut into the conversation.

"That may be true; however, you all need to come up with what you will be performing tonight at the club. That performance is still on," Seto's head tilts upwards, his eyes narrowing at me.

"Don't look at me like that. We haven't forgotten. You have to admit, it is difficult to rehears with it being so dark in here," I toss my pillow at Seto who catches it easily and drops it at his feet.

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