Street Gig

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A/N: Ello ello ello ello. Thank you for reading! Special thanks to those who vote and leave comments.

QUEENOFFANFICTION102: Yay!!! *Happy squeaks.* I think you'll like this one too. At least I hope you do lol.

I do not own the song in this chapter! I didn't write it! It is "We Weren't Born To Follow," by Bon Jovi.

Please vote and comment if you like. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

A groan rises from the depths of my throat and I try to pull myself out of the fog of grogginess clouding my conscious mind. I decide to keep my eyes closed for the time being. You never know. I may be able to go back to sleep.

Small tremors race through my body causing me to tremble ever so slightly. Granted, this is not as bad as it was previously. Hopefully, this means things are getting easier. How long does withdrawal usually last? I really hope it will not be much longer, because this really sucks.

A gentle breeze dances across my cheek. That's odd. I don't recall opening the window. Perhaps Yugi did at some point last night. I eventually give up on returning to the land of dreams and open my eyes to drink in the most amazing sight.

Yugi is nestled next to me sound asleep. His long thick black lashes kiss his alabaster cheeks. His head is pressed up against mine, his arm is draped around my waist, one of my arms rest around his upper torso near his ribs, and one of his legs is wrapped around one of mine. How in the world did we end up like this? I really don't remember much of the night before after Yugi sang to me. Ah well. What matters now is that I am in his arms and I am loving every microsecond of it.

My heart flutters and my eyes lock on his supple coral colored lips. Dare I chance it? ... Fuck it. I lean closer to him and place a very small kiss on the corner of his mouth; not directly on the lips. I want him to make that decision. His skin feels like silk against my lips. I really don't want to pull away, but if I remain with my lips pressed against his face, he is bound to wake up soon. I pout slightly and pull away, resigning to watching him sleep.

"Awww, how sweet," A sneer comes from the foot of the bed. What the hell? I jolt into a sitting position, startling Yugi awake and earning me a punch in the ribs.

"I'm sorry, Atemu. I didn't mean to," he frowns.

I hide the wince that threatens to display itself on my face. He didn't mean to punch me, so why should I make him feel worse than what he probably already feels right now? I finally remember what had started me into a sitting position. I glance towards the end of the bed and see Malik leaning against Marik. The taller sun-kissed blonde has his arm draped around Malik's shoulders.

"How did you get in here?" I scowl at them for interrupting us.

"Seto gave us all keys to your room to help watch over you; although, it looks like Yugi has you pretty well under control," Marik's lips twist upward. My eyes flick over to Yugi whose face was so red, it matches the tips of my hair.

"Shut up," Yugi snarls at them with a surprising amount of venom. He stands and straightens out his clothes.

"We miss anything?" Bakura's voice drifts in when the door opens.

"Just Yugi and Atemu cuddling and sleeping in the same bed," Malik giggles.

"What?! Way to go, Yugi!" Bakura let out a hearty laugh. I didn't think it was possible, but Yugi's face has turned an even brighter shade red. I can practically feel the heat coming off of his face. He shields his blush behind his hand and disappears into the bathroom.

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