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I looked down at Chris, and he looked up at me. Admiration in both of our eyes as we observed each other. Observed every feature.

I lay on top of him, his arms wrapped around me as they rested on my lower back.

My finger traced over his bottom lip. He moved one of his hands and brought it up to my face, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

I ran my hands through his hair, " You need a haircut. " I joked, he let out a light laugh.

" You like my hair like this though. " Chris teased, looking into my eyes as I looked at his hair, playing with it.

" You've got me there. " I sighed, my eyes met with his. Just seeing his eyes made my heart beat faster.

Chris licked his lips and admired me, " Have I ever told you how fucking gorgeous you are? "

" Many times. " I chuckled, yet I was still flattered. It was noticeable how my cheeks had turned a shade of pink.

" You still blush when I compliment you.. it's so cute. You're so cute I could just kiss you! " Chris swooned, smiling up at me.

We sat in a comfortable silence. We enjoyed the other's presence.

I let out a chuckle, " Are you just going to look at me or are you going to kiss me Schistad? "

Chris bit down on his bottom lip before lifting his head and placing his lips on mine. I kissed him back, he rested his head against the pillow again as we kissed. His hands stayed on my lower back and mine stayed in his hair.

" Oh- Fuck! " I heard a voice yell, causing me to pull away and turns toward the door. I heard a whine leave Chris' mouth, he was upset that I pulled away so quickly.

I noticed the figure at the door was Noora, " Noora! I didn't know you were coming over. " I laughed, hopping off of Chris and walking towards her.

" Ugh Noora! " Chris groaned, I knew he was accusing her of interrupting us, he was joking though.

" Sorry Chris. " Noora laughed, pulling me into a hug.

" How are you and William? " I smirked, as she followed me back to the bed.

I sat down on the bed besides Chris, our backs up against the headboard as he wrapped an arm around me, Noora sat towards the foot of the bed.

" We're actually on a break.. " Noora trailed off.

" You are? " Chris and I asked in unison.

" Yep. " Noora sighed.

Chris spoke up, " Did it have to do with the-uhm- bottle to the head incident. "

Noora nodded in agreement.

" Do you love him? " I bluntly asked Noora.

" Do I love him? " Noora repeated the question, not sure if she truly heard what I was saying.

" Yes. " I told her.

" I'm insanely in love with him. " Noora shook her head at herself.

" It's cliche, but when you love someone, they should know that. And if he loves you too.. then you guys deserve to be together. " Chris told Noora.

" Thanks. " Noora smiled, " That was the extra nudge I needed. "

" Anytime. " I winked at her.

" I'm leaving. You two can get back to what you were doing. " Noora laughed, leaving the apartment.

" She is a smart girl.. we should listen to her. " Chris shrugged.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him, " You're so dirty minded. "

" Can't blame me! " Chris held his hands up in defense, " Especially when my girlfriend is literally a walking turn on. You're literally a fucking model- you fucking take my breathe away as if it is the easiest thing on the planet! "

" What can I say. " I playfully shrugged, my cheeks pink once again.

" I love you. " Chris chuckled, playfully poking my cheek.

" I love you too! " I smiled widely, pecking his lips.

" Here we go again! "

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