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104,085 likesariaespostio: Christoffer Schistad is an actual god, he looks like a model

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ariaespostio: Christoffer Schistad is an actual god, he looks like a model. I'm so in love with him.
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chrisschistad: 1. When did you take this and 2. I'm so in love with you
evamohn2: An actual power couple

" Isn't it russetiden time? " Eva asked Vilde, to which Vilde nodded in response.

" What the fuck is russetiden? " I asked, scrunching my brows together.

Vilde groaned, " If you weren't with Chris all the time you'd know we already discussed this! " Vilde let out a sigh and explained, " It's for rus busses. It's basically where the dudes hook up with a bunch of girls and see who can get the most! "

" That sounds stupid. " I scoffed, Noora nodding in agreement.

" Well.. " Vilde started, " Your boyfriend is one of the bachelors Aria. "

I rolled my eyes at her, " Nei Vilde. "

" All the Penetrators participate! " Vilde nearly yelled.

" Why does it matter? " I asked, " I mean- are you trying to freak me out or? "

" Well it's not like you and Chris have had sex yet.. " Vilde said under her breathe.

" Vilde! " Eva and Noora yelled at her, boy if Sana were here she'd be so mad. Luckily, her and Chris were off running errands for the bus.

" Having sex does not mean anything. " I said, drinking from my water.

" How would you know? You haven't had it. " Vilde pursed her lips together.

" I don't need to, Vilde. " I softly said, " Maybe I'm not ready! " I pushed my lunch away from me, " I'm not hungry anymore. " I commented before pulling out my phone and scrolling through it.

" Cmon Vilde. " I heard Noora whisper to her as I read through my Instagram comments. None caught my eye, all I was thinking about was what Vilde said.

She was wrong, right? Chris wouldn't leave me to participate in russetiden, right? I didn't need to have sex with him, right? Is that what he wants? I don't fucking know.. it's all so difficult.

My thoughts flooded my mind before I was drawn away with a text from Chris.


Are you keen on missing class?

What are you up to, Schistad?


Only the worst of things.


Count me in

I felt someone wrap their arms around you and I turned around to see Chris, " Hello. " He greeted me as I pecked his lips and greeted him.

I stood up from the table, I waved my friends goodbye and we walked side by side to Chris' car.

We both got in and Chris began driving. I scrolled through my phone before I heard Chris, " Are you okay? " I looked up to notice he had pulled over to the side of the rode.

" I'm fine. " I nodded, turning off my phone and putting in my pocket, " Why? "

" You just seem distant. " He shrugged, looking down at his lap. I knew what he was thinking, he thought he did something.

I reached over and placed my hand on Chris' cheek. He turned to me and I immediately pressed my lips against his. Once I pulled away I smiled at him, " I could never be mad at you. "

" So.. then what's up? " Chris asked, grabbing my hand from off his cheek and lacing out fingers together.

" Vilde said some stuff.. and I guess it got to me. " I shrugged it off, " It's really nothing. "

" It's clearly something if it's affecting you like this.. " Chris said softly, rubbing his thumb against my hand.

" She was talking about russetiden and how she thinks you'll leave me to hook up with people. And it's stupid.. I know you wouldn't do that. But I feel like I'm doing something wrong, by not having sex yet. At least that's what she made me feel like.. " I told him, " It's so dumb. I shouldn't believer her, you wouldn't do that shit to me and I'm just being dumb. "

Chris let out a light chuckle at my rambling, " I don't thing you're being dumb. She really got to you. But you already know I don't give a fuck if we have sex or not.. if you're not ready then you're not ready. That's that. "

I looked up at Chris and immediately leaned in to kiss him, he did the same and we met in the middle. Our lips crashed together and I unlocked our hands and moved mine behind his neck, his hands roaming to around my torso.

He pulled my closer to him and kissed me before pulling away and laying his forehead against mine. He pecked my lips once more before we both settled into our seats again and Chris started up the car, " Where to? "

" Anywhere your heart desires. " I laughed, kissing his hand.

" My heart only desires you. "

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