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Did you get a summoning to court?


Nei, did you?


Nei! Eva, Sana, Chris & Vilde say it's because we left during the fight! What the fuck!


Those are our boyfriends though, can't we go? This court shit is unbelievable. It was the Yakuza, not the Penetrators. This is fucked.


William and I are seeing an attorney right now, is Chris going to get one?


Fuck, I don't know. We haven't talked about that yet. God damn, this is stressful!


Do you think I should text the Yakuza guy and ask them to not say anything? It'll help the boys' chances. William wouldn't do it.. guys and their fucking egos. I want him to be okay, am I wrong for that?


If that's what you think you should do then.. I say go for it.


Okay I'll text him now. Wish me luck!


Good luck Noora

Chris plopped down next to me, I shut off my phone and watched him as he stared at his phone and ran his hands through his hair. I smiled over at him, he saw me out of the corner of his eye and he turned off his phone.

He turned towards me so we were both facing each other. We intertwined our hands and Chris smiled down at them.

" Are you scared? " I asked Chris, my voice coming out quiet.

He let out a sigh before nodding, " I'm not scared about going to jail. I'm scared to hurt you. " His eyes still looking at our hands.

" Hey " I said softly which caused him to look up, " You're not going to hurt me. "

Chris let out a chuckle before his phone buzzed. He unlocked our fingers and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He let out a laugh before turning to me and telling me what the message said, " William confessed.. so no court. And now he's throwing a party at his apartment. "

I let out a laugh before shaking my head at William, of course he wouldn't know but still. I stood up from the bed and grabbed Chris' hand. Then we were off to the party.


I stood with Noora, Eskild and Eva as we talked to Jonas and Isak.

" Isak! Isak Yaki! " Eskild yelled, causing Noora, Eva and I to laugh.

I looked around to see Chris, he was dancing with some other Penetrators. I smiled as I watched him enjoy himself. He saw me staring at him and he smirked at me.

" I'll be back. " I told the group as I walked over to where Chris was. I stood before him, a smile on both of our faces.

" Stare much? " Chris sassed.

" Shut up. " I said playfully as I threw my arms around his neck and attached our lips. His hands moved to my waist. I pulled away and grabbed his hand, leading him to the house.

We walked into the first room we could find and Chris lightly pushed me down onto the bed. He hovered over me and attached our lips again.

I quickly flipped us over and before things could go farther the door was opened. I hopped off of Chris to see William and Noora by the door.

" Chris, out. " William said, Noora had an awkward smile spread on her face.

" Dude! " Chris whined.

" Chris! Out! " William commanded Chris. I let out a laugh before grabbing Chris' hand and pulling him off the bed. As we left, once I passed Noora I winked at her and she shook her head at me.

We stood in the hallway and Chris let out a loud and irritated groan. I shook my head at his childishness.

He perked up a little once he got an idea, " Can't we just wait for them? "

" Maybe next time Schistad. "

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