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Time skip: One Week
I was at Josh's house for about a week. Josh hardly spoke to me, I guess he hadn't really accepted my apology. The week wasn't interesting at all, in fact it was very boring. I hadn't moved from his bed, unless it was to go to go bathroom.
Today was my last day at Josh's house. Last day to make amends with him, salvage what was left of our friendship.
I lay awake on his bed. Josh was sleeping on the floor."Josh?" I whispered and he grunted to let me know he heard my words. "Listen I'm so sorry about what I said. I do want to be your friend."
"Like you haven't already said that a million times." He snarled at me.
"Josh, please forgive me. I know what I said was harsh and mean but I can't help it. I didn't want to hurt you because you got close to me." I sat upright. "Please forgive me."
"Tyler I swear you better not ever say anything like that to me again." He chuckled. "I understand. Thank you for at least trying to be friends."
I flashed a tiny smile at him. "No, thank you for forgiving me."
Josh nodded and yawned. "Can we sleep now?" He chuckled.
I smiled quickly. "Yeah, you can. I don't sleep."
"You've been over here for a week, I've noticed that." He chuckled and rolled onto his side. "Night."
"Night Josh." I whispered. I heard him grumble and move a few times before he went silent.
I laid awake, unable to sleep. I had been like this since the first day I had stayed at his house. It was coming back, it was haunting me even after all the years that had passed since the fire. It just wouldn't stop bothering me now. Everything was coming back and it made me hurt, hurt worse than ever before.
I shook my head out and started scratching at my wrists, turning them a bright shade of red. I didn't stop scratching them, even after they had begun to bleed. I didn't feel any pain in my wrists, all I could feel was the pain in my head. All I could hear were the voices in my head. They screamed at me, told me to do things that would hurt me and possibly kill me.
No. I won't let them win this time. I thought slowly to myself.
It hurt to fight the voices. It hurt to do anything now, everything brought back the horrible memories of the horrible thing I did. It all brought it back.
The day my siblings and I lost our parents.
The day we all went into foster care.
The day I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and worst of all, schizophrenia.
It all hurt too much to handle. I would constantly hear my mom's voice and see them when they weren't there. I was always sad and I couldn't talk to people with having an anxiety attack. Hell, I couldn't even leave the house without panicking and over thinking everything.
I shook my head violently, pushing all the memories away and wiping away the stray tears that had begun to form in my eyes. I rolled onto my side and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. It was all to much to handle, all to much to just sleep away. I sat up and stared at he bed sheets before getting up and leaving the room as quietly as I could. I put my boots on and walked out of the house, careful not to make any loud noises. Once I was outside, I sighed and started to walk away from the house, doing my best to find my way home on the dark and oddly deserted streets. Not a single car zoomed by, not a single person walked past.
How late is it? I thought, suddenly fearful. I pulled out my phone and checked the time.
1:25 AM.
My stomach dropped as I read he time. I was out too late, I was in danger and I knew I was. That's why the streets were silent. Everyone here knew what happened this late at night.
They killed innocent people.
"Hey aren't you up past your bedtime?" I froze and felt everything in my body go numb with fear. The voice spoke again. "Don't you know what happens to people like you at this time of night?"
I knew, what happened, I knew I really did. My mouth was too dry, everything too weak, I could utter a single word.
Then...I ran.
Faster than I ever had before.
I heard the man, or whoever it was, yell and start to chase after me but I was too fast for him. I heard him trip and fall but I didn't stop running even when I saw my house just a little ways down the street.
My heart was racing and my head hurt. The man was still yelling behind me and I heard gunshots in the distance.
No, no, no. This can't be happening. I thought, feeling fearful tears come to my eyes. Why didn't I just stay?!?
I ran up the porch and into my house, locking the door behind me and dropping to the ground behind my couch.
All I could hear was gunshots.
Then...they stopped. And everything went completely silent.
I jumped at the voices and looked up, seeing Madison's worried face. "Oh uhm...hi."
"Why are they shooting so close to our house?" Her eyes widened. "Why were you out so late?!?"
"I left...I left where I was staying." I answered quietly.
Madison shook her head and went back upstairs to her room.
I sighed and pulled out my phone, procceding to text Josh and me him know what happened.
Hey, I'm sorry I left. I meant to just go on a short walk but I ended up getting chased and shot at. Maybe we could hang out tomorrow? Let me know when and where if that's okay.
I sent the text and sighed, my heart still racing. I was tired, and I didn't want to move out of fear.
Why had I left? What was I fucking thinking? I didn't know what to think after that happened.
Before I could think anymore, I fell asleep.

Wow guys thank you so much for reading this fic, it means the entire world to me. Thank you for all the positive and encouraging comments too!

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