chapter 43

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"what did you do!" jenica sounds furious asking mon-mon, yeah I followed them and hide so that they won't hear me. I don't know what are they talking but there is something inside me saying I need to know this so I followed them and eavesdrop to their conversation.

"what?" mon-mon said blindly

"you almost spill the beans idiot!" jenica hissed

"just almost okay! I didn't knew that he doesn't know about kathrine! I'm sorry" I was about to enter when I heard the word of jenica

"that's it cedi doesn't know about kathrine having his baby! Arthur and kathrine thought that Cedi knew about this and still denied his baby, that's why no one dared to tell the truth! not even you!" my heart beat went slowly as I heard them exchanging conversation, was it true? is it really my child? what really happened? so this was the answer to my question a few hours ago? that's why Arthur react that way and why Kathrine looked at me like a ghost. They thought I abandoned my own child and act like nothing happened. I opened the door and saw a shocked jenica and a confused mon-mon looking at me.

"what are you doing here?" jenica asked sounding mad

"what is it that I didn't know?" I asked them angrily. As kathrine's bestfriend Jenica decided to tell me the truth and told me to keep silent as everyone seems good. I was shocked, sad and feel drowned at the deep ocean when I heard her revealing the truth. I'm happy knowing I have a baby boy but sad knowing that he won't be mine unless I'll defeat arthur in a battle. I was silent as the party was going,Elli is beside me but I didn't give a lot of attention to her.

My mind wonders what will my baby looked like, will he be look like me or to his mother? what will I call him? I don't know, I'm excited to see him and wrap him in my arms. will he be happy knowing his father wasn't with him when he was in his mother's womb for how many months? will he ever be proud of me when he knows I have another family? I was thinking of leaving Elli for kath and the baby but I love her too much and I don't want to lose her but I need to know hear the truth.After the party Elli and I went straight back at home.

"feels like heaven, are you full now baby?" she said holding her stomach, I looked at her and smiled. Sooner or later I will be having a baby girl too but then my smile fade away when I remember about my baby boy.

"El? can we talk?" I asked her politely

"sure what is it?" I went to her side and hold her hands.

"do you know that kathrine is pregnant?" I asked first, her eyes went big like it was going to pop out but she recovered it directly.

"no, why? is she?" she asked

"well they told me kathrine is pregnant and I am the father of the baby ----

"that can't be true! she isn't pregnant when she was with Arthur the day she said yes,she didn't told us" she said standing, she hold her anger.

"calm down I didn't say it was mine I just wanted you to ask" I said, she went back to her sit silently "they said before kathrine became Arthur's girlfriend, she was pregnant already and she just knew it when Arthur decided to do her a medical check up because she always vomit and feel dizzy and her medical check up went positive, she's three weeks and a half pregnant when she lives in with Arthur" I paused and looked at her, she lowered her head and listen to me her hands were holding her shirt.

"she went her and asked if I was home but unfortunately I went to the office, she tried to text me and call me but they said I turn my phone off?, then all of the sudden I texted her and denied the baby telling it wasn't my child and as far as I can remember I didn't do all those things? did I?" I said looking at her and make her eyes look at me " or did you?" I asked

she cried hard and bored her face in her palms, she said sorry on her tears but I don't know why I didn't comforted her.
" all I need to know is your answer el?" I said.

"i am desperate .I just did it because I'm afraid that you might left me alone, I don't have anyone to turn to Ced, I'm too down and I almost made my own grave knowing that the father of my child denied his own baby. you're the only person who fights for me, who accepts me as I am" she said crying. " I'm so sorry, I really am". I was moved by her words, she was right her parents despised her when they knew she was pregnant and got dumped by her boyfriend so I decided to stand up for her and now that I was with her I do also dumped my own son but her family accepts her now that I am with her. I can't leave her just like that.

I rubbed her back and saddle her with my embrace, it's not good to see a pregnant woman crying and it's not good for the baby so I didn't talk and asked her too much, I walked her to the bed and let her rest. This is my fight, this is my decision and I need to make an action. I won't let Arthur take my child away, it's mine and I will get it.

The first thing I did in the morning before I went to office is to go at Arthur's company. I saw that it wasn't kathrine who's seated at her desk, it is a young man with a reading glass, he looks like he's in his twenties.

"good morning" I greeted

"good morning sir, how can I help you?" he replied

"may I speak to Mr. Arthur Frost?"

"do you have any scheduled meeting to him?" he asked

"no, and I won't take too long" I said

"will you please wait a second" I nodded,I guess he dialed his boss number because after he call to.someone, he sends me in to Arthur's office.

"what can I do for you Ced?" Arthur's voice was stone

"I'm here to talk about kathrine and my child" he stiffed and his hands turns into bald.

"why now?" he asked me trying to stay calm

"because I just knew" he looked at me with a shocked. His eyes wide opened, his jaw dropped on the floor, his brows meet at the center but then he recovered and shook his head.

"what a lame excuse" he said his eyes were on the papers he was signing. "how about we will talk to this later and tell me the truth" 
"I want it now and I'm telling you the truth" I said firmly

"after denying the baby, sending a mean messages you're here and take them again away from me? are you nut! they're now my family Ced, I did take good care of them after you abandoned them, yeah you didn't asked me to replace you but I did because I love the woman you hurt the most and now that I've come to love the child that you abandoned you'll just come here and asked them to me! what kind of a man are you? they aren't things! they are human!" I didn't realize he was in front of me when I feel a pain in my face. He did punch me.

I step back before he could throw another punch to my face. "look I didn't knew it was my son until I was in the party last night" I said putting my hands up in surrender. His eyes were scanning me if I said the truth or I give him a lie. I feel relieved when he step back and let out a sigh.

"meet me at  Kelsey tonight, six sharp" he then pointed the door and gestures for me to go out.

what do you want to be the ending of the story?

find out the outcome in the next chapter :-)

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