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Camila woke up to the bell ringing. She lazily got up, gently pushing Lauren off of her. She walked downstairs and opened the door. Dinah walked in and plopped on the couch.

"Hey?" Camila raised an eyebrow and closed her door.

"Hi, walz." Dinah muffled. Her face was on a pillow.

"Are you alright?" Camila sat beside her. Dinah groaned and shook her head.

"Normani." Dinah groaned.

"Your claim? Umm....what about her? ?" Camila chuckled, confused.

"Yeah, she's soooo bossy, but it turns me on." Dinah muffled on the pillow. Camila laughed, and Dinah quickly shot up from the seat.

"Oh, anyway. That's not what I came here for. The group wants to go hang out at that new carnival." Dinah smiled. Camila furrowed her eyebrows and thought.

"I don't know, Dinah. Lucy will be there and Lau-

"Girl, you should see how happy Lucy is. She's like so in love with Vero." Dinah cooed. Camila nodded.

"Yeah I know bu- Wait, she is?" Camila stood up. Dinah nodded and grinned.

"Yep, they are both so lovey dovey."

Camila thought before nodding.

"Yeah sure. We'll go. When are we going?" Camila asked.

"Right now." Dinah said. Camila was about to respond, but a honk outside interrupted her. She made a face and looked out the window, laughing when she saw them. There was two cars with her friends in them.

"Okay let me go wake up Lauren." Camila said and ran upstairs. She jumped on the bed, and kissed Lauren on the forehead.

"Morning, kitten." Camila grinned. Lauren's eyes fluttered open, and she yawned like a baby, stretching her limbs out. Camila's heart swelled up looking at her.

"G'morning." Lauren said sleepily. Camila smiled and pecked her lips real quick.

"Get up, kitten. We're going somewhere." Camila said, getting up and extending a hand for Lauren. The dark haired girl raised an eyebrow before taking her hand.

They quickly changed and headed downstairs. Dinah was taking selfies on the couch, doing duck faces.

"Hi, Dinah." Lauren greeted. Dinah looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Hey, Lauser." She stood up. She walked up to Lauren and hugged her.

"You ready?" Camila asked. Lauren nodded.

"Yeah, where are we going?"

"To a carnival." Dinah answered for her and walked out the house. Lauren liked carnivals. She thought it'd be fun to go out to one with Camila.

They walked out to Camila's car. Everyone was gone already. Camila opened the door for Lauren, and the girl thanked her shyly. She then got in herself and drove off.

"Who's going to be here with us?" Lauren asked, once they had arrived. Camila pointed to the group that was already waiting for them at the entrance. Lauren's gaze trailed to Lucy's, and her eyes budged out her socket.

"Wait, s-she's going to be here?" She asked. Camila frowned and nodded slowly.

"Sorry, kitten."

Lauren looked at Camila and shook her head. She didn't know why she didn't feel the same way when she saw Lucy. Last time she saw her, she wanted her back so badly. Now, she just doesn't feel that way. She reacted the way she just did because she forgets all about Lucy when she is with Camila.

"No it's fine." Lauren squeezed her arm. Camila bit her bottom lip and turned away from her.

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

Lauren's face fell.

"What? Camz, I...I don't think I feel the same way for her as I used to. I told you already that you make me feel different than she ever did." Lauren frowned. Camila looked at her, a smile spread across her face.

"I love that."

"You love what?" Lauren smiled.

"Camz." Camila said. Lauren smiled and pecked her lips. Camila smiled and opened the door. She opened Lauren's door too, and they both got out together. Lauren stood by Camila's side. She knows that they aren't anything yet, but she feels like they are starting something real, so she intertwined their fingers together. Camila looked up at her and smiled.

"Hey, Lauren." Normani said, as the couple got there. Lauren looked at her with a confused face.

"I-I forgot you were like them." She said. Normani made a face and laughed.

"Wait no. Dinah claimed me, girl. But it's ight cause I love her." Normani smiled. Dinah heard and walked up to her, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"So you, Lucy, and I got claimed the same day? Like we all three got kidnapped the same day?" Lauren asked. Normani laughed and shook her head.

"Girl, no. I actually didn't get kidnapped by Dinah. She asked nicely for my number that day, and well we ended up together, here. And yes the same day. But Lucy and you did get kidnapped. It's not as bad as you think actually."

Lauren nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I guess it isn't." She smiled and looked at Camila, who looked back at her with the same lovey smile.

She walked up to the rest of the group, leaving Camila behind to talk to Dinah. She saw Lucy kissing Vero's cheek while Vero giggled. Her eyebrows lifted up in surprise, but she then smiled that Lucy was happy with Vero.


Lucy turned to her and gasped.

"Lauren! Heyyy!!!" She hugged her. Lauren hugged back and inhaled the sweet scent of the girl's hair.

"Hi, how are you doing?" She asked as they pulled back.

"I'm doing good." Lucy smiled. Vero walked up to her and kissed Lucy's cheek. Lucy smiled but then it fell when she remembered Lauren was there.

"I'm sorry, Laur." She apologized. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

"Sorry for what, Luce?"

"I-I...this." She motioned at her and Vero. Lauren's mouth shaped a perfectly 'o' shape.

"Lucy, I ge-

"No, I'm really sorry. I think I've fallen in love with her, Laur." Lucy apologized again, looking for any anger in Lauren's eyes. Lauren smiled and shook her head.

"No, Lucy. I get it. It's okay. I've been falling for someone else too." Lauren smiled. She turned to look at Camila who was laughing with Dinah.

"You are? With her?" Lucy asked, smiling and looking at Camila.

"Yes. I think I'm slowly fallen for her." Lauren said.

"I'm happy for you, Laur." Lucy smiled, squeezing Lauren's hand.

"Me too." Lauren sighed and grinned.

Short but I hope you enjoy. ❤️

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