Thirty Five

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Lauren walked into the huge house she was currently living in. But before she walked in and back with the Camila she didn't know, she took a deep breath and prepared herself. She didn't want her morning jog to end, but she had to get back eventually. As soon as she walked in, she took off the huge oversized hoodie she was wearing along with the black Nike hat she was wearing to disguise herself.

Camila stood up from the couch real quick and walked over to Lauren in a blink of an eye. Lauren closed her eyes shut, prepparing herself for the worst.

"Where the hell have you been, Lauren?!" Camila panicked.

"I-I ju-" Lauren tried, but Camila interrupted her.

"I was worried sick that you had ran out a-and gone to find someone else. Do you know h-how that makes me f-feel???" Camila was a stuttering mess, and Lauren could not believe what was going on. Camila was just cursing at her last night, telling her how much she hated her and now she actually cared for Lauren.

The green eyed girl's heart was beating drastically in her chest. Was this really happening?

"Camz, I'm not leaving you. Okay? I just went for a jog because I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry."

Lauren made the mistake of hugging Camila. She felt the petite girl stiffen and freeze. Lauren looked up to see Camila with wide eyes, and her heart dropped when she heard the mean, cold voice she had been hearing for weeks now.

"W-What? I don't care, Lauren. I don't care where the fuck you were at. Do you still not get it? I. Don't. Love. You. Get that straight in your head." Camila spit out the words and Lauren knew it was too good to be true. A few seconds passed and Lauren had decided that she was done with this treatment. She was done being treated like a fool and getting her heart broken repeatedly. She doesn't even know why she expected Camila to change.

"I knew it." Lauren husked out in a harsh voice. Camila squinted her eyes with her mouth hung open a bit.


"I fucking knew it. Do you think you're all that, Camila?"

This took Camila by surprise and she gulped when she saw the pale cuban's green, beautiful eyes full of hatred. They were on fire.

"Do you think you can just hurt my feeling whenever the hell you want? Do you seriously fucking think that everything that you say gets to my damn head and drives me crazy??!" Lauren got closer to the girl with the bangs and pushed her back.

Lauren didn't even give Camila a chance before she continued again.

"Well you are god damn right! You do hurt my feelings. And you know what, Camila!? I fucking hate myself for falling for your words. Every. Single. Fucking. Time." Lauren's eyes were getting red and Camila could see that. She had no words and all she could hear was her heart beating rapidly in her ears. Both of their hearts, actually.

Lauren got closer and shoved Camila once more. The brown eyed girl clenched her jaw but didn't do anything.

"But that's not it." Lauren whispered and looked down for a split second before looking back up. Camila saw a flash of hurt and sadness in the girl's eyes but it quickly changed back to anger and hatred. Camila felt her heart hurt, betraying her.

"I fucking hate you too!! I fucking hate you for kidnapping me! I fucking hate you for letting me love you! I love you so much that I hate you for it and it's all your fault!!" Lauren screamed and banged her fists against Camila's chest, pushing the girl back everytime. Camila was able to grab her fists and Lauren tried to pull away, tears running down her cheeks furiously and cheeks flushed tremendously.

"You know...," Lauren chuckled and sniffled, " you've done a pretty good job of getting me to hate you with all the harsh words you've said. I don't know what I did for you to have so much hate for me."

Camila's heart dropped. Lauren hates her?

She almost told her that she didn't hate her, but all she could think about was that Lauren had just said she hated her.

The tanned brunette opened her mouth to say something but Lauren spoke up.

"So fuck you." She hissed and pushed her held fists once more against Camila, finally let loose and walked away.

That was the last day Camila saw her because Lauren had moved with her best friend to get some space. Or at least Camila hoped it was only for space. As much as she hated to admit it, she missed the younger girl even though she was so mean to her.

That day was all Camila would think about. She didn't go out and her drinking became more of an everyday thing. Actually, she was running out of beers and she needed to get some soon.

Not only was she drinking every day, but she was smoking as well. She didn't really care though because it took the pain away. It numbed her and it made her forget the green eyed girl.

It made her mad that she couldn't get her memory back no matter how hard she tried. It made her sad to think that if she did get back with the girl she was once in love with, she wouldn't remember anything. And now that she thinks about it. She didn't want to cause anymore pain to Lauren than she already had, so she promised herself not to go near Lauren ever again.

Camila was shit at keeping promises because not even a week had passed by and she was at the doorstep of Normani's house. To make it even worse, she was drunk.

She knocked on the door and Normani immediately opened the door. Her eyes popped out and she stood holding the door.


"I need to see Lauren."


A/N: Oof. Sorry for any mistakes. Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


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