Thirty Six

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"I need to see Lauren."

"Are you drunk? Did you get here on your own?" Normani looked around Camila, for anyone else. Nope, just Camila.

"Let me see Lauren." Camila slurred her words and Normani sighed.

"I don't think that's a gre-"

"I said let me see Lauren!!" Camila banged hard on the slightly shut door, causing Normani to jump.

"Please." The brown eyed girl pleaded. She had to be vulnerable in order to convince the dark skinned girl.

"Camila?" Lauren came into view, Camila gave her a sheepish smile.

"Hi, come here."

Lauren's eyes widened. Camila looked so different. She had darker bags underneath her eyes and her face was so skinny with her cheek bones bonier than ever.

"Camila, I.....what's happened to you?" Lauren nearly gasped, as she stepped closer to the changed girl. Normani by now had already left to give them their privacy but close enough to step in if Camila tried anything sketchy.

"What? Nothinggg. I'm better than ever." Camila chuckled bitterly. Lauren sighed and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I came here to tell you that...I...," She paused, and Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

"You know, it's great not having you around anymore. I'm free and I can do whatever I want." Camila added, knowing damn well she was lying. Lauren swallowed. Camila was drunk out of her mind and was only speaking nonsense at the moment, Lauren told her self.

"You should probably go get some rest. You're drunk." The green eyed girl was about to turn around and enter the house but the girl behind her spoke again.

"You're not coming back?" Camila asked, struggling with her words. She really didn't want the girl to leave her again, but she wouldn't say that to her.

"Why? Had you not just said how free you were without me and that you enjoyed it so much?" Lauren turned back around and snapped.

Camila took a step forward and whispered.

"Come back."

Lauren's stomach fluttered with the words that were just said, but she knew it was too good to be true. Camila was trying to mess with her head just so Lauren could go back and get hurt again.

"Goodbye, Camila."

"Wait! Please, just come back. I-I....I miss you." Camila wiped her nose and stepped closer. Lauren froze but shook her head afterwards, laughing bitterly.

"You miss me?? That's a lie." Lauren said, "I think we both know it's best for me to stay here."

"Why can't you just fucking believe me!? I can't get my shit together and I'm a mess! I'm a fucking mess! I-I try my hardest to remember about us. To remember what we had! I can't stop drinking nor smoking and it's ruining me! I need you back."

These words didn't make Lauren feel hope like they normally would have, instead, they made her angry.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! YOU'RE a mess?!! You're not the only one suffering! I had to keep up with your shit before and after the fucking accident!" Lauren yelled at Camila's face with all the power she had.

"So fuck you! Fuck you because you only give a shit about yoursel-" Lauren didn't even finish because she felt the painful sting on her cheek. Camila quickly pulled back with her eyes wide open.

The green eyed girl gasped and put her hand over her cheek. She could feel the tears threatening to spill until they couldn't hold in any longer.

"Get away from me." Lauren said, lowly with venom in her voice. Camila opened her mouth to speak but was pushed back.

"Get the fuck away from me!!"

Normani quickly stepped in and looked between Camila and Lauren. She cursed herself for not stepping in sooner.

"What the hell did you do?" Normani hissed at Camila and hugged her best friend.


"You should just go away."

Camila quickly left the place and when she got back home she screamed as loud as she could. She grabbed her empty beer bottles and smashed them on the ground, shattering glass flying everywhere.

Her dogs started barking and pushing her away from the mess.

Camila slid down the wall with her face in her hands, one of her dogs trying to comfort her.

She fucked up.


A/N: My bold and italics aren't working :( i hope you enjoy this guys.


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