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Also I forgot to tell y'all how fucking shookethhhh I am with Camila's songs and her fucking music video!! 😭❤️ WHO TF HURT HER?! HUH?! Okay so my sister is like such a bitch with Camren like she thinks it's fake and stuff but she actually agreed with me that Camila wrote it talking about Lauren. Lollll she probs didn't but still 🤷🏽‍♀️ SHE LOOKED SO BEAUTIFUL AND HER FUCKING PERFORMANCE OH MY GAWSH JESUS TAKE ME AWAY!! 😭😭😫❤️

I was so fucking

Here y'all go to bless yalls day (y'all have probs already seen it on her insta but stfu and enjoy)

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Here y'all go to bless yalls day (y'all have probs already seen it on her insta but stfu and enjoy)

Here y'all go to bless yalls day (y'all have probs already seen it on her insta but stfu and enjoy)

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Oh my fuck she's so beautiful!! 😍😍🌹

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Oh my fuck she's so beautiful!! 😍😍🌹

Guys go buy Crying In The Club and I Have Questions on iTunes! ❤️

Love y'all!

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