Twenty Five

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"Do you want to talk about it?" Lauren asked Camila the next day.

"No." Camila shook her head. She looked down at Lauren's hand, noticing the new bracelet she was wearing.

"Where did you get that from?" Camila asked. She grabbed Lauren's hand and toyed with the bracelet, studying it closer. Lauren looked down at it and her cheeks flushed.

"Oh, right. A friend of mine bought it for me." She said, leaving out who bought it. Luis kept insisting for Lauren to take his 'I miss you' gift. She just didn't have the heart to decline his warm gift.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

"Who?" She asked.

"Luis. He's a friend from college. He ran into me at the mall yesterday while you were asle....oh." Lauren forgot to mention to Camila that she had left her for more than an hour.

"That's why my nightmare seemed more...longer." Camila said more to herself than to Lauren. The green eyed girl felt guilty for leaving Camila after promising she would be there for her.

"So why did Luigi buy you this bracelet?" Camila broke Lauren out of her guilty thoughts. Lauren was confused at the name but then realized Camila was talking about Luis.

"It's Luis and he bought it for me cause he said he misses me." She said.

"Wow, how lame." Camila scoffed. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"He was being nice. Stop."

"Whatever." Camila was about to stand up from her seat when Lauren said something that caught her attention.

"He wants me to go back to college." She says. Camila turns to look at her.

"What? I think the fuck not! Absolutely not, Lauren. Police are looking for you. You can't just show up at school and act like everything is okay."

Lauren huffs. She is allowed to do what she wants. Camila isn't the boss of her.

"I'm going. Whether you like it or not, Camila." She lifts her head high, proud at her own confidence. Camila glares at her.

"No, Lauren. Liam can go fuck himself. You aren't going back."

Lauren's blood boils in her veins.

"Don't talk about him like that. He's my friend and I'm not going back for him but because I want to."

"Lauren, do you not know what NO means?" Camila asks in a harsh tone.

"I'm so fucking tired of staying locked in this house and not being able to do anything but sleep, shower, and eat. I want my normal life back. I want to go back to work. I want to go back to school. And for God's sake I want to see my family!" Lauren's chest by now is heaving.

"Work?! Lauren, I'm fucking rich! You can have all the fucking money in the world. Stop being ridiculous. What else do you fucking want?" Camila laughs. Lauren's nostrils flare up and she steps closer to Camila.

"Are you serious?! I don't want your damn money! I want to have my old life back where I got to see my family! When I actually had freedom!" Lauren yells.

"Why? You have me. You don't need them, kitten." Camila tried to touch Lauren's cheek, but the pale girl slapped her hand away.

"Fuck, Lauren. Why are you being so fucking complicated?" Camila groaned.

"I've done everything you've wanted me to do. Why can't you at least give me this?!" Lauren can see her vision start to get blurry.

"Just wait a few more years to see your parents. Your family isn't important." Camila lies, she knows just how important they are. Lauren's jaw dropped.

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