Chapter 1 - Boring Business Parties

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Alec Lightwood stood in front of the mirror. His navy blue sweater had minimal holes in it, but they were still there. His tight but not too tight black jeans were in tact, much to Isabelle's surprise. "Nice jeans, but please wear a sweater without holes in it."
Alec looked at his sister standing in the mirror behind him. "We are only going to Dad's business party," Alec defended.
"And that's exactly why we want to look good. How we act and dress could affect his promotion!"
Alec sighed. He hated being defeated by Izzy. "Alright, fine," he said. "You can change my sweater."
Izzy clapped quickly, before pulling his wardrobe open. She looked through the clothes, frowning. Finally, she pulled out a white shirt. "Put this on. I'll be right back." She dashed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Alec sighed and pulled his sweater and black shirt off, throwing the white one on. It hugged his chest and stomach tightly, and it also hugged his muscles in his arms nicely. No wonder why Izzy chose this shirt for him to wear.
Izzy came bounding back into his room, holding one of Jace's black leather jackets. She handed it to him and watched as he frowned. "This is a dinner party, not a biker gang rally."
Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Just put it on."
Alec sighed and drew the jacket over his arms. It was also quite tight on him. Izzy grinned as she viewed Alec's new look. "That is definitely something you should wear more."
"Does Jace know you took this?" Alec asked.
"No, but who cares?"
"Jace," Alec observed. "This is his second favourite jacket."
All of a sudden, Jace barged into the room. He was wearing his favourite leather jacket, over a red shirt. Alec was surprised at how well Jace could pull that off. "Izzy, I can not believe you would steal my-" Jace frowned as he broke off, noticing that Alec was wearing his jacket. "Alec stole it?" he asked. Clearly he was confused.
"Izzy stole it for me to wear," Alec told him. Isabelle looked betrayed.
"Well that makes sense. But because you're wearing it, you can keep wearing it." Jace glared at Izzy and she poked her tongue out at him. Alec left his bedroom, followed closely by Jace and Izzy. All three of them walked down the stairs, Izzy's black heels clicking on the wooden staircase.

Maryse gasped at her three children as they walked down the stairs. Well, two children and adopted child. "Wow, you guys look so nice!" She exclaimed. She was wearing a blue ball gown that reached just below her knees, with matching blue heels that showed off her toes. Her toes were painted black. Robert, Maryse's husband, was wearing a tailored black suit with a white dress shirt underneath. A black bow tie wrapped around his neck.
"Thanks mum," Izzy said, smiling slightly. Izzy's lips were bright red, shining slightly in the light. "Okay, are we all ready to go?" Robert asked. A chorus of yes's sounded through the room. Finally, the Lightwoods exited the house and got into their car.

The function hall was warm and comfortable. Alec took it all in. A lot of the other male teenagers were dressed in similar clothing to him and Jace. Everywhere he looked, a lady would be in an elegant dress. At least I fit in, Alec thought. He always hated standing out.
"Are you going to socialise, or just stand there looking at everyone?" Jace asked from beside Alec. He must have walked back towards him when Alec wasn't looking.
"I don't know anyone here," Alec said. He shrugged at the look on Jace's face.
"I didn't know anyone here either, but I am still socialising."
"That's only because Clary hasn't come yet," Alec replied.
Jace grinned. "Maybe Clary will bring Simon?"
Alec groaned. "I hate him. He always talks about that new video game he got."
"Shadowhunters?" Jace asked.
Alec nodded. "It's annoying."
As if on cue, Clary walked in with her Mum and brother. Alec almost sighed in relief when Simon was nowhere to be seen. Jace grinned. "Later buddy." Jace walked off to Clary, and embraced her with a hug. Alec looked around the room in search of anyone he knew. Finally, he found Izzy leaning against a wall, talking to one of the waitresses. Alec approached Izzy, bored out of his mind.
"Hey Iz."
"Hey Alec. This is Maia."
Alec turned towards the waitress. She was wearing a blue uniform, and holding a tray of empty wine glasses. Her hair was braided back in cornrows. She was reasonably pretty. "Nice to meet you," Alec said, shaking Maia's outstretched hands.
"She sometimes works at Luke's bookshop," Izzy stated. Alec nodded. He wasn't a very big fan of books.
"It's just a good way to get a few books, you know?" Maia said.
Alec shook his head. "You get paid in books..."
"Yeah, I'd rather have books then money. I get all my money from catering and stuff," she replied. Alec smiled. Maia definitely seemed like an interesting character. "Well, I am going to get a drink," Alec said, walking off towards the bar.

The bar was practically empty, save for one person who was talking to one of the bartenders. Alec could only see the back of him, but he was wearing a black tuxedo, and his hair was spiky with tonnes of gel holding it in place. His hair was a very dark brown, almost black, and was sipping red wine from a wine glass. His hair was shimmering in the light. Alec couldn't help but be intrigued.
He approached the bar and sat on the stool. He was roughly three seats away from the other man. The bartender took his order; a red wine. He sipped it thoughtfully. Should he talk to the man? Make a new friend? There clearly was nothing else to do.
Alec looked over at the man. The bartender left him, and he was sitting by himself, sipping from his nearly empty glass. "Hi," Alec said. The other man looked over at Alec. That was when Alec realised he was still only young, at least 20 years old. "Hi," he replied.
"Boring party, huh?" Alec asked. The other man smiled.
"You have no idea."
Alec couldn't help but laugh. The other man turned more to face Alec, which was when Alec realised the other man was wearing eyeliner. His lashes were lightly decorated with glitter, and so was his hair. That explained why it was shining in the light.
"So do you work for the company?" Alec asked. The man shook his head.
"Nah, my Dad's the bosses second man. He calls himself the prince of the company. I don't really know..."
Alec laughed. "My Dad works. He's hoping to get the promotion tonight. To become the real estate man that has his face on all the business cards."
The other man laughed. "I'm Magnus, by the way."
"Alec," he replied, reaching out to shake Magnus's hand. They shook hands, and Alec sipped his drink again. Magnus finished the last of his and placed it gently on the table. The bartender walked by and picked it up, cleaning it.
"Well, they should announce who the promotion goes to soon," Magnus said.
Alec smiled.
"Great. This party is boring me to tears."

Up on the stage, the boss of the company was leaning into the microphone, addressing the party. Everyone else was sitting in their seats, waiting patiently to hear what the boss had to say. Alec was sitting at a table with his family and Clary's, and he couldn't help but notice Magnus sitting at a table towards the front, looking bored out of his brain.
"Thank you all for coming," Robert's boss said into the microphone. "I think it's about time we announce the recipient of the new promotion?"
A round of applause sounded through the room. It died down slowly, and the boss started talking again. Alec thought his name was Victor Aldertree.
"We have many great workers here who deserve this promotion," Aldertree went on. "But, only one of you wonderful employees will get the promotion."
Alec took a chance and quickly glanced over at Magnus. He was yawning, and he wasn't doing a very good job at hiding it. Alec bit back a laugh with a small choking noise. Izzy looked at him sideways, before turning her black eyes to Aldertree. "Alright. The promotion goes to..."
Alec looked over at his father. He seemed tense.
"Robert Lightwood."
The hall emitted clapping as Robert stood up from his chair and walked towards the stage. He shook Aldertree's outstretched hand and started saying his speech. Finally, Robert was seated back at the table, smiling.
Waiters and waitresses walked out of the kitchen, bringing out the food. Maia came to their table, handing them the food. She congratulated Robert on his promotion before walking back into the kitchen to hand out more food. Alec started eating like everyone else on the table. Sebastian, Clary's older brother, was chatting to Jace about leather jackets, and Clary was talking with Izzy about everything, basically. Alec decided to join their conversation.
"My boots keep squeezing my ankles," Clary said, frowning. Isabelle frowned too.
"Well, these heels are pinching my toes." Alec rolled his eyes.
"You girls are so dramatic," he exclaimed. Isabelle glared at him.
"Why don't you try wearing heels?"
"Or boots," chimed Clary.
Clary's hair looked awfully red, which was the perfect subject change. "Clary, you're hair is nice. It's very, red," Alec said awkwardly.
"Subject change, much," Isabelle muttered loud enough for Clary and Alec to hear. Clary giggled, and Alec sighed. Jace, hearing Clary laughing, looked over at her, love in his expression. Isabelle even had Simon, and here Alec was, single. The only people who knew he was gay was Izzy and Jace. Come to think of it, Clary probably knew too, but she never mentioned it. At least not yet.

The car was warm. Izzy sat in the middle of Jace and Alec in the back seat. Her knee was digging into Jace's leg, and he was getting annoyed.
"Izzy. Move your knee!"
"I can't, doofus!"
"Kids, quiet!" Robert hissed.
Izzy whacked Jace with her knee, resulting in Jace yelping in surprise. Robert looked like he was going to slap someone. Alec couldn't help but be amused. Izzy must have seen the look on his face, because she pinched Alec lightly on the arm.
"Izzy, do you mind?" Alec said.
Alec grinned and awkwardly hugged his younger sister. She laughed and wrapped her arm around both her brother's shoulders. All three of them sat like that the rest of the way home.

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