Chapter 18 - Thanksgiving

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Lame warning; but there is going to be swearing in this chapter, but you have been warned. And 500 reads?! Thank you!!

Thanksgiving finally came around, and Magnus was helping Alec get ready.
     "Okay, and with that shirt, maybe wear these pants?"
Alec took them and got dressed in the bathroom. When he came back out, Magnus whistled appreciatively.
     "Well, I'm ready then," Alec said.
In the end, Alec was wearing a white shirt and black sweatpants. Magnus let him borrow his most plain jumper, which was black with white stripes on the cuffs.
     "You look good," Magnus said again.
"Thanks," Alec said. Finally, he walked out the door and into his car.

The door of his house loomed above him. Was it even his house anymore? Alec sighed before hesitantly ringing the doorbell. He heard muffled speech through the door and someone running down the stairs. The door was opened by a flustered Izzy.
"Alec!" she said. "You're early!"
"Only by fifteen minutes," he said.
"Dad's not home from work yet, just by the way," Izzy said.
"Ah, some free time," Alec clarified.
"Mum and Jace are here, though. Mum's cooking the turkey."
"Thank goodness it's not you cooking it," Alec said.
Izzy pinched him.
"Geez, lady!" he exclaimed, rubbing the spot she pinched him. That would probably bruise.
"Hey Alec!" Jace said as he walked into the foyer.
"Hey!" Alec said.
"He actually came early," Izzy said.
"I can see that. I can also see that you borrowed one of Magnus's jackets."
Alec blushed and looked at the floor.
"Mum would probably like to see you!" Izzy said.
Alec smiled. His mum had not been supportive, exactly, but she still accepted Alec for who he was, unlike Robert.
Alec walked into the kitchen to see Maryse examining the turkey.
She turned around abruptly. "Oh, Alec!" Maryse exclaimed happily. "I'm so glad you decided to come!"
She pulled him into a tight hug, and he hugged her back, twice as hard.
"It's nice to be back, even if it is for a night," Alec said.
"Well, at least you're here."
She kissed him on the forehead (she had to stand on her tip toes to reach) and went back to cooking the turkey. Alec left the kitchen and found his siblings in the living room. Jace was sprawled out on the couch, while Izzy was sitting on the coffee table.
"Dad would kill you if he saw you sitting on the table," Jace was saying.
"Well, he's not here, is he?" Izzy shot back.
"Fine. You win."
Alec cleared his throat.
"How was Mum?" Jace asked.
"She was genuinely happy to see me," Alec said, smiling. He couldn't say he was not dreading what would happen when his Dad came home from work.
"At least she was happy!" Izzy said, awfully cheerful.
"At least," Alec said, nodding to himself. So far, he was having a good time.
"How are you and Magnus?" Jace asked.
Alec rolled his eyes. "You ask me that every time we see eachother!"
"It's vital information," Izzy interjected.
Jace pointed at her in agreement, receiving a sigh from Alec.
"We're great, as usual," said Alec. "How are your dates?"
"Clary's great," Jace said. "She's taking an art degree in uni.
"Simon's good too," Izzy said. "He's still with the band. You know, they aren't actually that bad," Izzy said thoughtfully.
     "Seriously?" Alec said. "Last time you dragged me to one of their performances, they were horrible."
"They've gotten better," said Izzy.
"You'd hope so, for everyone's sake," Jace said. Everyone laughed, including Izzy.
     The front door opened.
"Must be dad," Jace said.
Alec's happiness suddenly dropped. Nerves fluttered trough every vein in his body. What would his dad say? Would it be awkward? Would there be another fight?
     "Guys, I'm home!" Robert said, his voice reverberating throughout the house. All three of them went to greet him in the hallway. It took him a moment before he looked to Alec.
     "Happy thanksgiving," Alec said. He purposefully left out the "dad", and his tone was slightly bitter and cautious.
"Happy thanksgiving," Robert replied. He then looked to Izzy and Jace.
     "So," he said. "Mum's cooking?" Robert asked. Clearly, he was also sensing the tension in the room. It was making everything hard for Alec to focus.
     "At least it's not Isabelle," Jace said.
Isabelle shot Jace a dirty look.
"My cooking is not that bad," Izzy said.
"It's utter shit," Alec said, as naturally as he could. He actually managed to pull it off.
"Well, maybe you don't like it, but I do," said Izzy, humphing.
     "Guys, its thanksgiving, no fighting," Robert said, as softly as he could. It came out harsher than Alec had expected, and Alec tried hard not to raise an eyebrow at what his father had just said. No fighting. Did that mean nothing would happen tonight? No world war three? Alec almost sighed in relief.

Twenty minutes later, everyone was sitting around the table while Maryse carved the turkey.
"Take as much as you guys want," she said as she finished carving it. "There's plenty for everyone."
Jace was the first to pile up his plate. Everyone followed suit.
     "So, Alec," Maryse started. "How is it? Living with Magnus?"
"Good," Alec said. "Same as sharing a room with anyone, I guess."
Of course this wasn't true. Izzy almost started grinning because of it.
     "He's very nice. He must be a great friend to have," Maryse said.
Alec nodded meekly, taking another bite of his food. He still was not ready to tell his parents that he was dating Magnus. It most likely would have ended badly, and after all, what was there to gain from it, anyway?
     "Alec," Robert began.
Alec looked up at his dad. Was an apology going to come?
"Yes?" Alec asked.
"Are you, uh."
"Am I what?"
"Dating anyone?" Robert finally asked.
Alec was speechless. Should he just tell him, or lie about it?
"Well?" pressed Robert.
     Finally, Alec knew what he was going to say.
"Yes, I am."
Izzy froze, and Jace looked up cautiously.
"Who?" Robert asked.
This, was what Alec was not ready for.
     "Its's none of your business," Alec said quietly. He was eyeing his food, not daring to look up.
"What was that?" asked Robert.
"It's none of your business," Alec said, a little louder this time. Robert still didn't hear him.
     "Alec, you need to speak up," Robert said sternly.
"IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Alec screamed.
Izzy's eyes widened, Maryse sat back in her chair, flabbergasted, and Jace nearly choked on his food.
     "How dare you yell at me like that!" Robert said. "I finally decided to invite you back into my house, and this is how you decide to treat me? By yelling at me? I have just about had it with you! You are a disgrace to this family in every fucking way, and I don't ever want to see you in this house, ever again! Do you hear me?" Robert growled.
Alec looked down at his plate, tears rolling silently down his red cheeks.
     "Yes," Alec said quietly.
"What was that?" Robert hissed.
"Yes," Alec said louder. He choked back a sob as he stood up from the table.
"Thank you for dinner," he said quietly, and left without another word, tears still falling down his face and onto his trembling hands.

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