Chapter 14 - Acceptance?

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Yay, we have 243 reads!! Thank you all so much, and sorry I took so long to update! Hope you enjoy!!!

Alec awoke the next day, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. He groaned and sat up, wandering over to his closet and picking an outfit. He got dressed and made his way downstairs. He wasn't bothered to fix his hair, he wasn't going out anywhere, anyway.
Jace was in the kitchen, buttering a piece of toast.
"Morning," he said, acknowledging Alec's presence.
"Morning," replied Alec.
"Did you see Dad? He's completely passed out on the the couch," Jace said.
"Still?" Alec asked.
"Yeah. It doesn't look like it's a very comfortable position."
Alec walked into the living room and saw his Dad asleep on the couch, his mouth wide open, and his head dangling off the edge. That would hurt.
"Dad," Alec said.
No response.
Finally, Robert awoke. He sat up abruptly and rubbed his neck, wincing.
"Ah, my neck," Robert exclaimed. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"
"I only just came downstairs," replied Alec.
Jace walked into the room, holding his toast. He took a bite.
"I was gonna wake you, but I didn't," Jace said.
Jace shrugged and left the living room, Alec following behind him.

Magnus was watching The Hunger Games when his phone buzzed. It was a message from Alec.

Wanna come over?

Sure, Magnus replied. When?



Magnus turned his phone off and shoved it in his pocket. He grabbed his wallet and left his apartment, walking down the flights of stairs and getting into his car.
It wasn't long before Magnus was knocking at the door. Alec answered, and smiled when he saw it was Magnus.
"Hey," Alec said.
"Hey!" Magnus replied. Alec let Magnus into the house and moved back when Magnus leaned in for a kiss.
"Parents," Alec said.
Magnus nodded and followed Alec into the kitchen.
"Want anything to drink?" Alec asked.
"Nah, it's cool," Magnus answered.
Alec went over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. He opened it and took a sip.
"Well, if you wanted me to come over, what was it for?" Magnus asked.
"I'm thinking of telling my parents that I'm gay," he replied. "I think it's time."
"Well, you may as well get it over and done with," Magnus announced.
"True," Alec said, "but maybe not until later today."
"Look, I'm not going to rush you. It's your choice. Even if by the end of the day, you decide not to tell them, I won't rush you. Take all the time you need."
"Thanks, Mags," Alec said.
Magnus grinned and kissed Alec on the cheek. Alec blushed, and Magnus couldn't help but marvel at how this man, this beautiful, young man, managed to become his boyfriend.
Isabelle came rushing into the kitchen. "Oh, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!"
"What do you need?" Alec asked.
"I got a job! No lame house selling for me!"
"Izzy, that's great!"
"I know right!" She turned to Magnus. "Hey," she said.
"Hey," Magnus replied.
"I'm pretty sure Jace also has a job, but I'm not entirely sure," Izzy said.
"What job did you get?" asked Alec.
"I'm working as an apprentice counsellor," Izzy said.
"You'd be great at that," said Magnus.
"You think?" Izzy asked.
"Of course!" Magnus said. "A job where you get to work with people would be the perfect job for you," Magnus said.
"I guess," Isabelle said. "It's my first shift in an hour, so if Mum or Dad asks where I am, you know what to tell them." She dashed out of the house, but to where, who knows. She was still on her learners permit.
"Where are your parents, anyway?" Magnus asked.
"They have a day off today, so probably watching the tv in the lounge room."
Alec grinned. Clearly they were thinking the same thing as Magnus followed Alec up the stairs and into his bedroom. Magnus didn't even look at the room. All he saw was Alec, and Alec alone.
He grabbed Alec's shirt, pulling him towards himself as Magnus kissed Alec. Alec wrapped his hands around the back of his neck, pulling Magnus's mouth firmer against Alec's.
The kiss felt like fire, their mouths burning together, almost as if they were one. The two of them fell onto the bed, never unlinking their mouths. Magnus was on top, bringing his fingers through Alec's black hair. Without warning, Alec flipped Magnus around so that he was on top, and Magnus made a grunt of surprise.
Magnus pulled Alec closer as they kissed passionately. The broke apart for a quick breath before smashing their lips onto one another's again, with such force that Alec gasped in surprise. Magnus took that as his chance to explore Alec's mouth with his tongue.
Alec groaned in pleasure as the kiss deepened. All they could feel and hear was each other, the rest of the world blocked out. They broke apart, staring into each other's eyes.
Magnus changed the positions again so that he was on top, and he began to kiss Alec's jaw softly, before travelling down his neck. He got to the top of Alec's shirt and pulled it over his head, sucking on his collarbone. Alec groaned in approval, playing with Magnus's hair gently.
They broke apart at the sound of a knock on the door. Alec quickly pulled his shirt on and fixed his hair just in time for Maryse entering the room.
"Alec, have you seen Isabelle?" she asked. "I've been looking everywhere for her."
She nodded at Magnus in greeting before turning her attention back to Alec.
"She's gone to work," answered Alec.
"Isabelle got a job?" Maryse asked.
"Yeah, she's working as a counsellor's apprentice."
"Oh, wonderful!" exclaimed Maryse.
With that, she gave a questioning look to the two boys before leaving the bedroom.
"That was a close one," Alec said.
"Tell me about it," Magnus replied.

It was dinnertime, and Magnus was invited to stay. Alec was planning on coming out tonight, so Magnus agreed to stay. Isabelle had come back from her job, and Jace had been out searching for one. He came back unsuccessful, but there was still time for him to find one before he was thrown into the business of selling houses.
"Thank you for letting me stay for dinner," Magnus said.
"Your welcome anytime," Robert told him, receiving a smile from Magnus. Alec smiled too.
     "Dig in, guys," Maryse said, gesturing to the plates and food on the table. They all served their food and began to eat.
"So, how's your father?" Robert asked.
"He's good," Magnus replied. "He's been very busy lately."
     "We'll have to catch up sometime, have a family dinner," Maryse said.
"I'm sure he would agree," said Magnus.

Alec was getting more and more nervous as the night was progressing. Alec and Magnus had decided that when Alec was ready to come out, he would squeeze Magnus's hand under the table. He finally found the time he wanted to.
     He reached out under the table and found Magnus's hand. He squeezed it, and they looked at each other. Magnus's eyes seemed to be saying go on, so he did.
     "Mum, Dad, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," Alec said slowly.
"And what's that?" Maryse asked. Both his parents turned to him expectantly. Alec caught sight of Magnus watching him, his expression showing comfort and support. He also saw Izzy and Jace, and he could not describe the looks on their faces.
     "Well?" Robert demanded.
Alec took a deep breath, looked his parents in the eye, and said it.
"Mum, Dad. I'm gay."
It was out, and there was no turning back.
     Alec watched as his dad's face fell, and Maryse's taking on a look of shock.
"You're what?" Robert demanded.
"I'm gay."
Magnus looked proud, and so did Izzy and Jace. His parents, however, did not.
     "No son, no child of mine, is going to be gay," Robert said. "It's disgusting. Absolutely appalling. If you knew what was bloody well good for you, you would have left years ago. You are a disgrace to the Lightwood family! I don't want you in this house no longer. I expect you out by tonight!"
Robert stormed out of the kitchen.
     Alec sat at the dining table, struggling to register with what had just happened. His father had completely disowned him, all because he didn't like girls. His eyes teared up, but he blinked them away. Maryse was watching Alec with a look he couldn't decipher, and she got up and followed Robert into the kitchen.
     "Alexander," Magnus said slowly. "Are you alright?"
Alec turned to Magnus. "I-I'm fine," he choked out. He could no longer hold the tears in any longer. They streamed down his face as he stood up from the table and rushed upstairs and into his bedroom.
     Wiping away the tears ferociously, he ignored his siblings and boyfriend calling his name. All he wanted to do was get out of there.
     He packed a suitcase full of clothes and all other essentials he would need and ran downstairs, tears still flowing down his face. His siblings and Magnus were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Izzy was crying, Magnus looked like he could punch someone and Jace looked sick.
     "Oh, Alec," Izzy said, sobbing. She ran up to her older brother and hugged him, tight. "I'm so sorry, Alec."
She let go of him and stepped back, wiping her face. Alec still had tears leaking down his face. He couldn't bear to look at Magnus, at least not yet.
     "I can't believe he would do something like that," said Jace. He was looking sick and angry, a combination that would not end very well.
"Alec," Magnus started, hesitantly.
Alec didn't look at his boyfriend, he only looked towards the floor, wanting to cry, but nothing else would come.
     "Alec," Magnus said again, gently grabbing Alec's chin and turning his head towards his. Alec finally looked into Magnus's eyes. They held unshed tears. Clearly, he was keeping it together much better than him and his sister.
     "Alec, I'm so sorry," Magnus said. He pulled Alec into a hug, and Alec let more tears fall. He sobbed into Magnus's neck and broke apart as he heard the kitchen door open.
     "Alec." It was Maryse. "Your father shouldn't have yelled at you like that," she said. "If you don't want to stay anymore, I can give you some money to stay at a hote-"
"It's fine, Maryse," Magnus interrupted. "He can stay with me at my apartment."
Maryse smiled. "Thank you so much, Magnus." She came and kissed Alec on the cheek before walking back into the kitchen.
     "So, roommate," Magnus said, cheering up the mood, "when do we leave?"

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