Chapter 16 - Jace

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Hey Guys!! We finally have nearly 350 reads!!!!! Thanks so much! I'm going to try and update at least twice a week, and if you have any storyline suggestions, you can send me a message or leave a comment! I would love to have your input.

I hope you are all enjoying the story and that you stick around for the end! I'd say we are about halfway through, so hang in there!!

Alec checked himself in Magnus's mirror. He frowned at the reflection in front of him. His hair was a mess, and his shirt was rumpled from sleeping in it last night. He sighed. His style was nothing compared to Magnus's constant, impeccable outfits.
     Magnus had gone to work, so Alec decided to stay at the apartment and catch up on some reading. He was up to the third Harry Potter book, and he was enjoying it immensely. 
     A knock on the door sent Alec into a frantic clean up of his hair. He also changed his shirt, before making his way to the front door of the apartment. He opened the door, and saw Jace standing there.
     "Hey," Jace said, barging into the apartment.
"Hey?" Alec asked. "You know, you could have asked to come in."
"And where's the fun in that?"
Alec rolled his eyes and followed Jace over to the lounge.
"What brings you to this unexpected visit?" asked Alec.
"I was bored at home, and Clary's with Simon and Jocelyn at Luke's farm."
"So, I'm your entertainment?"
"Exactly. What have you to lovebirds been doing the last few days?"
"Watching Harry Potter actually. We're going to watch the last one tonight."
     "Alec, look at you! Your such a nerd, man!"
"Like you aren't!"
"I'm not!" Jace retorted.
"Says the kid who would never let go of a toy sword."
"I like weapons!"
"Yeah," Alec said. "You're a weapon nerd."
Jace raised his eyebrows. "That isn't even a thing."
"Sure it is."
     "Well, I'm not a nerd, for anything. Unlike you," Jace said slyly.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" asked Alec.
Jace shrugged. "It means your a nerd."
     Alec sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Okay, so what if I'm secretly a nerd? You should be glad I found something that interests me."
"And I am," announced Jace. "I know you found it hard to get over Max, but you did it. Even if you needed to use Harry Potter to do it, I don't care."
"Thanks, Jace," Alec said.
"Your welcome?" Jace replied.
Alec laughed.

Magnus came home two hours after Jace had left.
"How was your shift?" Alec asked as Magnus walked in the door.
"Horrid," he replied. "Jordan wouldn't stop talking to me."
"Sounds exciting."
"You have no idea," said Magnus, rolling his eyes. "How was your day?"
"Jace came over, so we just hung out together."
Magnus came over and kissed Alec on the mouth, a light brush of lips. He then dumped his wallet and phone on the kitchen counter. "Do you think we should actually cook something tonight?" Alec asked, looking at the overflowing bin full of takeout rubbish.
"Yeah," Magnus said. "It's looking a little..."
Magnus started chopping some vegetables while Alec emptied the bin. When Alec came back into te apartment, the carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and cabbage were all cut up and ready for cooking.
Magnus roasted the pumpkin and carrots along with the chicken pieces, while Alec cooked the broccoli and cabbage in the steamer. Finally, dinner was ready.
"Let's hope this tastes as good as it looks," Magnus said.
Alec grinned as he stabbed a carrot and ate it. It was cooked perfectly.
"So?" Magnus asked.
"It's really good," Alec said, earting some of the cabbage he cooked. That was good too.
"Well, I'm glad we managed to cook a substantial meal," Magnus said.
They ate the rest of their food in silence. Once they were done, they helped each other clean up, and they then crashed on the couch in time to watch the last Harry Potter movie.
"It's finally time," Alec said. "Jace was teasing me about my inner nerd earlier."
"Well, you are a nerd, Alexander. A cute one, though."
Alec blushed and cuddled up next to Magnus as the movie started.

The next morning, Alec woke up to his phone buzzing. It was Jace.
"What?" he answered.
"Can you meet me in Central Park in an hour?" Jace asked.
"Uh, yeah. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just needed to ask you something."
"Can you do it here?" Alec asked.
"Oh, just get up off your lazy ass and get down here!" Jace exclaimed.
"Okay, okay," Alec said, biting back a laugh. He hung up and got out of bed. He got dressed and went into the kitchen. Magnus was at the table, drinking from his favourite mug; a white one that said "keep on sparkling" in glittery bubble writing.
"Jace wants me for something, so I'm heading out," Alec said.
"Do you want breakfast first?" Magnus asked.
Alec shook his head, thought better of it, and grabbed an orange.
"I'll eat on the go," he decided. "See you soon."
"Bye," Magnus said.

Alec saw Jace sitting on a park bench near the fountain. He went up to him.
"Finally!" Jace said. "I've been waiting for fifteen minutes!"
"Sorry," Alec said, sitting down next to Jace.
"It's cool."
"So what do you need me for?" Alec asked.
"I can't find a job."
     Alec sighed. "Why not?"
"I just, haven't been able to find any job openings I want to do."
"Well, maybe you should just join the company."
"But I don't want to," Jace exclaimed.
     "So, you want me to help you find a job?" questioned Alec.
"Please?" asked Jace.
"Alright, fine."
Jace grinned and clapped Alec on the shoulder. "I knew I could count on you."
     They started walking through the different shops, looking for any places that were hiring.
"So, how are you and Magnus going?" asked Jace.
"Really well," Alec said.
"How long's it been, now?"
"It's our one month anniversary in three days," Alec said. "We are going to go out for dinner."
     "Nearly a month, already?" Jace asked.
"Yes," said Alec. He paused as he looked in the window of a coffee shop.
"How about here?" Alec asked. "They're hiring."
"Java Jones?" Jace asked.
"Why not. They make good hot chocolate."
"I can give it a try," Jace said, entering the shop. Alec followed behind him.
     "How can I help you?" asked the cashier.
"I'm actually looking for a job," Jace said.
"Okay. We can set up an interview, if you'd like?"
"Yes please," Jace said.
"Since when do you use please?" Alec asked.
"Since always," Jace said, smirking.
Alec rolled his eyes.
     "Will three o'clock tomorrow work for you?" she asked.

Alec came back to the apartment to see Magnus lifting weights without a shirt. He smiled when he saw Alec.
"Welcome back," Magnus said.
Alec blushed as he looked at Magnus's upper body. It was tanned and muscular, with highly evident abs. He was still lifting the weights, and Alec could see small droplets of sweat littering his body.
     "Could you stop that?" Alec asked. "It's very... distracting."
Magnus grinned and dropped the weights. He didn't put his shirt back on. Instead, he came over and kissed Alec, so he kissed him back, sighing in content.
     "How was Jace?" Magnus asked.
"Same as usual," Alec replied.
"What did he want?" Magnus asked.
"He needed help finding a job, but he has an interview tomorrow with Java Jones."
"I bought those bagels from there," Magnus said absentmindedly.
Alec laughed, and watched as Magnus finally put a shirt on. Alec couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.
     "Madzie stopped by and gave us a box of cookies for free," Magnus said.
"She seems really sweet."
"She is."
Alec smiled. His neighbours weren't very pleasant, but living with Magnus meant new neighbours.
     "Wanna open them?" Magnus asked.
"Magnus, you just did a workout. Are you sure you should be eating cookies?"
"When is it not time to eat cookies?" asked Magnus.
Alec shrugged. "Still, let's eat them after dinner."
"Whatever floats your boat, sweet pea," Magnus said.
"Sweet pea?"
Magnus shrugged. "I thought I would try it."

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