Chapter 11 - Retelling's and Reaction's

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Once Magnus had left the picnic, Alec had called Izzy.
"Oh my gosh, Alec! How did it go?" Izzy asked.
"Hello to you too, Iz," he said. "It went well."
"ALEC I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, THAT'S GREAT NEWS!" Izzy screamed into the phone.
"Look, can you just come and help me pack everything up?" Alec asked.
"Yes, yes, of course!" she said, and hung up.

"Jace, we need to help Alec pack up!" Izzy called from the bottom of the stairs. Jace walked out of his room, shirtless.
"I was just about to have a shower!" he said, but went and put a shirt on and came downstairs anyway.
     "Let's go," Izzy said, handing Jace a plastic bag.
     When they arrived at the park, Alec was folding the picnic blanket.
"And look who finally decides to show up," Alec said. "Do you have the container for this?" he asked, holding up the folded rug. Izzy searched through the bag she was holding and pulled out the picnic blanket's cover. She handed it to Alec, so he packed it away.
     "Well, how'd it go?" Jace asked, packing away the empty plate and bowl.
"It was good," Alec said. He moved onto packing up the fairy lights that were in the grass.
"You need to tell us the details!" Izzy screamed excitedly and energetically. Alec sighed. "Fine."
     "Well, Magnus and I finally figured out what you did, so we sat on the picnic blanket and started eating the sandwiches and we were just, casually talking." Alec said.
"Then..." Izzy prompted.
"Then, we ate dessert and that was it."
     "So you didn't kiss?" Izzy asked. Alec's cheeks turned the shade of blood.
"By the angel Alec, YOU GUYS KISSED!" Izzy shouted. A late night stroller turned and gave Izzy a funny look before walking away.
"Yes, we kissed, alright!" Alec exclaimed quietly.
"Alec, that's amazing!" Izzy said. She looked as if she were going to burst with joy.
      "Who leaned in first?" Jace asked.
Alec shrugged. "I guess we both moved in at the same time."
"How long was it?" Izzy asked.
"I don't know! At least a few seconds!" said Alec. Alec's cheeks turned red again as he remembered their second kiss.
"There's something you're not telling us," Izzy said, eyeing Alec. Alec sighed.
     "Okay, fine. We may have kissed a second time."
"OH MY GOD, ALEC!" Izzy screamed. Alec resisted the urge to cover his ears.
     "I'm so proud of you, man," said Jace, leaning in for a brief hug. Alec gave in to Izzy as she lunged at him. She squeezed him, hard, but Alec didn't mind. It was nice to have someone care for him so much.

Magnus went home feeling utterly ecstatic. He could not believe that he had actually kissed Alec Lightwood. Magnus would never have thought Alec would ever go through with something like that, let alone with someone like Magnus.
     Magnus felt that Alec wasn't out yet, so Magnus was in no hurry to tell his father about what happened tonight. Luckily, Asmodeus was not expecting Magnus back at the house, so he went straight to his apartment instead. It was reasonably late, so Magnus got dressed into his striped silk pyjamas and climbed into bed.
     He was surprisingly tired after the night's calming yet exciting events. His mind drifted to Alec, and Magnus couldn't help but wonder how Izzy and Jace were reacting to everything. Feeling the need to talk someone, he picked up his phone.
How's the siblings?

Magnus sent the message to Alec, and didn't need to wait long.
Alec replied almost instantly.

They keep bugging me about tonight, was Alec's reply. Magnus smiled.

Sounds about right, he replied, but didn't wait for Alec's reply. Instead, he fell asleep.


Alec woke up the next morning to his phone buzzing. It was another text from Magnus.

Morning! it read. Alec smiled. It was relieving to have someone like Magnus to look forward to talking to.
     Morning, replied Alec. He got out of bed and stretched, leaving his phone on the bed side table.
     Alec opened his bedroom door to see Jace standing there.
"Can I help you?" Alec asked.
"Yes," Jace said, "I need help with something."
"What do you need?" Alec asked. It wasn't often that Jace came to him for help, with anything.
     "I'm trying to plan a date for Clary and I, but I can't come up with any ideas," Jace told Alec.
"Wouldn't you he better off asking Isabelle?" Alec said.
"No," Jace replied, shaking his head. "If I try, all she will do is bug me about it for the rest of the day exclaiming how I wasn't smart enough to plan a date myself."
Jace had a point.
     "Alright, but don't expect too much from me," Alec said. Jace entered Alec's room and sat on his bed. Both boys were still in their pyjamas.
     "Ideas?" Jace asked.
Alec thought for a moment.
"You could take her to an art gallery, and then out to lunch afterwards," Alec offered. Jace grinned.
"That's legit a perfect idea," Jace said. "I think she would like that."
Alec shrugged. "You'd think she would."
     "I was thinking, maybe you and I could go get some lunch? Have some bro on bro time."
Alec smiled. "Why not."

Izzy rang Clary.
"Hey Izzy," she answered, "what's up?"
"Guess what!" Izzy said.
"Uh, you got your nails done?"
"Yes, but that's not the point," Izzy said. "Alec went on a date with Magnus last night."
"Oh my goodness, no way!" Clary exclaimed.
"Yes, way!" Izzy said.
     "How did it go?" Clary questioned.
"You're not going to believe this. They KISSED!" Izzy screamed into the receiver.
"By the angel, wow!" Clary said. "I would never have thought Alec would do that!"
"Neither did I!" Izzy announced. She was extremely proud of her brother.
     "Are they together?" Clary asked.
"No, I don't think so," Izzy answered, "but I'm working on it."
Feeling an end to the conversation,  Izzy said bye and ended the call. She wanted Alec and Magnus to become a couple more than anything in the world, but she wanted it to happen on it's own.

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