Chapter 12 - DTR

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Hey guys! I'm actually updating! Sorry I took so long, I was in a writing slump, and I had to prepare for tests and things, but hopefully I will be able to update more often!

Alec and Magnus were at work, trying their hardest to focus. Magnus was working the register, and Alec was helping him, occasionally stating improvements. Magnus did them with no fuss, but it didn't mean they were both focusing properly. Instead, both of them were focusing on the other, and what had happened on their first date.
     They had kissed, and both of them could not get it out of their heads. Alec also wondered whether they were official, or still in the beginning stage, or even if it was just a one off thing. Nothing seemed different between them, though.
     Magnus, on the other hand couldn't decide whether he wanted to ask Alec about their relationship. There was nothing Magnus didn't want more than to be official with Alec, but he wasn't sure if Alec felt the same way. He knew how Alec could be, and he didn't want to pressure him into anything.
     Magnus felt like he was doing well with working the register, and the boss let him keep his glitter in his hair this time. Something about glitter in the food was what kept him for wearing it last time.
     Magnus couldn't help but notice how Alec seemed to be avoiding Magnus's gaze. He wasn't sure what this meant, but he was pretty sure it wasn't a good sign. Either that, or Alec was just confused.

Their shifts finally ended, so Magnus and Alec walked out of the shop together. "Maybe we could catch up later this week?" Magnus asked.
"Sure," Alec replied. He was still avoiding Magnus's eyes.
"Say, Friday for lunch?"
"Yeah," Alec answered. "We can discuss the details later. I gotta go."
With that, Alec walked off to his car.
"Bye," Magnus said softly, before turning around and walking to his car.

Alec got into his car and started driving.
He didn't want to come across as rude or distant, but he had avoided eye contact with Magnus for two reasons. One, he didn't know if they were official and didn't want to discuss it just yet, and two, he was afraid that if he looked Magnus in the eyes Alec would kiss him, and he was not ready to come out in public yet.
Maybe, just maybe, this Friday at lunch, they would discuss what was going on with their relationship. Alec wanted an official relationship with Magnus, and he hoped Magnus felt the same way in return.

Magnus entered his apartment and crashed onto the couch. He yawned and switched the television on. There was literally nothing else to do.
Realising he was still wearing his uniform, he stood up and went to his room. He quickly pulled on some other clothes and went back to the couch to watch the tv. Flicking through the channels, he gave up and left it on some random show that was talking about whales.

Izzy rushed over to Alec. "Did you DTR yet?" she asked.
Alec shook his head. He was surprised he knew what that stood for.
"Why not?" Izzy asked. "You're going to have to do it sometime."
"I know," replied Alec. "We're going to go for lunch on Friday."
"Perfect!" Izzy announced. "You can do it then!"
"I totally ship you two," Izzy said. "I mean, you are both so super cute and perfect for each other!"
"You think so?" Alec asked, his cheeks turning slightly red.
"You kidding? Of course!"
Alec smiled. "Thanks Iz. Maybe I'm thinking about this all too much."
"I have to agree with you in that, big brother."
Alec walked off, ready to ring Magnus and DTR (define the relationship).

Magnus answered his phone on the third ring. "Alexander," he answered. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
"I know I shouldn't be doing this over the phone," Alec said, "but I couldn't wait. Magnus, will you be my boyfriend?"
There was silence on the other end. Alec thought for a moment that Magnus would say no, but:
"I've been waiting for you to ask that," Magnus replied casually. Alec's cheeks turned red.
"So it's official?" he asked.
"You bet," Magnus said. Alec could hear the smile on Magnus's face through his voice. It made Alec smile.
"See you later, then," Alec said. It wasn't a question.
"Yeah," Magnus said, and hung up.
Alec went to find Izzy. She was sitting on her bed.
"Did you DTR?" she asked.
"Yes," Alec replied.
"Well?" Isabelle demanded.
"We're official," he said.
Isabelle grinned and started bouncing around on the bed.
"See! I told you! Oh my gosh you guys are going to be so adorable together, I can almost taste it!"
"Okay, Izzy calm down," Alec said.
Izzy finally calmed down.
"Thank you," Alec said, and walked out of the bedroom.
Alec grinned. He had an actual boyfriend, and that boyfriend was none other than Magnus Bane. He let any thoughts of what his parents would say wash away. For now, all he wanted was to rejoice in the fact that he and Magnus were official.

Magnus smiled. Finally, Alec had said what Magnus had wanted to hear him say since the lame business party. Alec was special, and Magnus was not prepared to let him go any time soon. He couldn't wait for Friday, or that they could hang out at Magnus's apartment and have some takeout, the most simplest of dates.
Magnus wondered what his father would think. Asmodeus already knew Magnus was bisexual, and he completely supported his son, but Magnus wasn't sure how his dad would react to his new boyfriend. After all, he was the son of Asmodeus's co worker. This could end up being a problem, but he wanted to enjoy Alec while he could, at least with out any tension between each other's parents.

Jace came home an hour later, and he had Clary with him. Izzy practically dragged Alec into the hallway where they were all standing.
"Jace, Alec has some news," Isabelle announced. As Alec was silent, Izzy nudged him, but Alec didn't do anything.
"Are you going to tell them or not?" Izzy demanded.
"I'm not saying it in front of Clary," Alec said.
"Say what in front of me?" Clary asked.
"Alec, you can tell us both. I promise, Clary won't tell anyone if you don't want her to," Jace said.
Alec sighed. "Alright, fine." He glared at Clary. "You better not tell this to anyone, or I swear I will kill you."
Clary crossed her heart and waited patiently for what Alec had to say. Finally, he mustered up the courage to tell them.
"I have a boyfriend."
Jace's face lit up, and Clary smiled.
"Alec, that's amazing!" Jace exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you, man!" Jace said, leaning in to hug Alec.
"Thanks," Alec said.
"Congratulations, Alec!" Clary said. "I promise I won't tell anyone."
Alec smiled. "I trust you."
"We should all go out to celebrate!" Jace said. "Why don't you invite your boyfriend along?" Jace said. Alec grinned. "Sounds like a plan."
"Can I bring Simon?" Izzy asked.
"No," Alec said. "I don't want him to know about me."
"Oh, come on!" Izzy exclaimed. "He won't tell a soul!" she said. "We need to make this a triple date!"
"Alright, fine," Alec said, giving in. "Just, make sure he doesn't tell anyone."
"Will do," Izzy said. "Shall we get going then?"

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