Chapter 10 - Friday

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You all know what's happening on Friday...
By the way, this chapter's a long one, so be prepared.

Alec looked out the window. The weather was nice, the sun streaming through the minimal cloud cover, and blue sky all around. Perfect weather for a party at Central Park. Although, the weather would probably change before the party would actually start, but Alec didn't mind. He was looking forward to the party.
It was currently ten in the morning, and the party was scheduled to start at seven. The sun would be setting, which would be good, considering the sun would still be out.
     Alec had offered to help Jace and Izzy prepare, but they didn't want any help, so Alec shrugged it off. They were getting ready to leave the house, and they were packing bags full of stuff for the party.
     Alec went downstairs. Izzy and Jace were eating lunch, very early.
"Well, you guys are early," Alec said.
"We need a lot of time to prepare," Jace said. "We want his surprise party to be really special."
     Alec needed to ask. "So, how did you get Magnus to agree to go?"
"Oh, you don't need to worry about that," Izzy said, a smirk finding its way onto her face. She was wearing a light mask of makeup, which made her look older then she actually was.
     "I can't believe you guys aren't telling me anything," Alec said. "I thought we were closer than that."
Jace sighed. "Bro, we are all so close, but you are the only one with Magnus's number. If we tell you, what makes us so sure you won't tell Magnus what we are actually planning for him?"
Okay, Jace had a point, but Alec would never actually tell Magnus about it. He decided to let them keep their little secret, so he went and got his breakfast: cereal.
     "Well, have fun with your plan," Alec said, leaving the kitchen in exchange for the dining room. He wasn't bothered to go and watch television in the living room. Plus, he didn't trust himself with cereal in there. He had once spilt milk all over the lounge and they had to hire a couch cleaner to get the stain out. That was an eventful day.

Izzy and Jace left the house at twelve, and made their way to Central Park. Luckily, it wasn't that far away, so carrying all of the stuff was not too hard.
They had three large bags full of the equipment they would need to pull this date off, including a small CD player to add to the effect.
"So, how long do you think it will take for them to figure out we've set up a date?" asked Jace.
"I think at least a few minutes," Izzy replied. "They have to figure out that no one else will be arriving."
Jace smiled. "I hope this works out," he said.
"Why wouldn't it?" Izzy asked.
"Well, if it doesn't, it could ruin the relationship we have with Alec. Maybe we should have just told Alec what we were doing," said Jace.
"If we told him, he would never have agreed to come," replied Izzy.
She had a point.
"Just pray this works," he said, and was silent the rest of the journey.

Finally reaching the date destination, they dropped the bags. Jace opened the bag that contained the hastily packed fairly lights and pulled the out. Izzy came over and joined him.
"So, we're hanging this on the trees, right?" Jace asked.
"There's no where else to hang it," Izzy said.
Jace shrugged. "We could have laid them in the grass. That would be cool."
"That's actually a pretty good idea," Izzy said. "We can put one string on the trees and the other string in the grass around the picnic blanket."
"Sounds good," Jace said.
As Izzy was wearing heels that made her taller than Jace, she was in charge of hanging the fairy lights on the trees. Jace pulled a large, red checkered picnic blanket out of the bag and laid it a few metres away from the edge of the trees. The string of lights were long enough to cover the perimeter of the blanket, so Jace laid them around the picnic blanket.
Jace and Izzy managed to find battery powered lights, so they didn't need to bring a power source to plug them in.
"I can't help but feel that we may have come here a little early," Jace said.
Izzy shrugged. "Oh well."
"Have you finished hanging the lights, yet?" asked Jace.
"No, can you help me?"
Jace stood up and walked over to Izzy.
"Can you just hold the lights in place so I can tape them?"
Jace held the lights against the tree trunk as Izzy secured it with tape.
"One more," she said, so Jace held it in place while Izzy taped it. Satisfied with her work, she nodded and stood back, nearly tripping over the lights on the floor.
"Careful!" Jace exclaimed. "It was very hard making sure they were even!"
Izzy rolled her eyes and bent to fix the lights.
"Happy now?" she asked.
"Yes, thank you very much," Jace answered bitterly.
     "Wanna eat the sandwiches we packed for ourselves?" Isabelle asked.
"May as well," Jace replied casually, sitting on the picnic blanket and getting the sandwiches out. He handed one to Izzy, and  the two of them ate the sandwiches they had packed for themselves.
"Just to clarify, you're not gonna spy on Magnus and Alec tonight, right?" Jace asked Izzy.
"Of course not!" Izzy replied. "I would love to see what happens, but I would never spy on them!" she announced.
"Well, you better be telling the truth, because Alec can decide if he wants to tell us what happens or not," said Jace.
"Yes, I know," Izzy said as she ate the last of her sandwich.

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