Chapter 3 - Asmodeus

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Robert was talking on the phone to Asmodeus. "So, will you be able to come over tomorrow at three to discuss the new business cards?" Robert asked into the telephone.
"Yes, three is fine. Will I be able to bring my son?" Asmodeus asked.
Robert was only a little confused.
"I don't see why not," Robert replied.
"Wonderful," Asmodeus announced. "See you tomorrow at three."

Alec was walking past his Dad's office and couldn't help but overhear the conversation he was having with someone on the phone. Alec was curious. Who was coming over at three? Only time would tell.
     He walked past the closed office door and into the kitchen. Izzy was standing behind the stove, mixing something that looked an awful lot like blood.
     "What are you cooking?" Alec asked, screwing up his nose at the smell.
"Tomato soup," Isabelle replied, adding a pinch of salt to the mixture.
"Doesn't it look a little runny?" Alec asked. Izzy shook her head.
"It's perfect!"
     Alec frowned. If Izzy said her food was perfect, chances that it actually was were almost impossible, at most a ten percent chance of it being 'perfect'.
     "Wanna try some?" Izzy asked, holding a bowl in her hand.
Alec sighed. "Only a tiny bit."
Izzy spooned some into the bowl and handed it to Alec. He went and got a spoon from the cutlery draw and scooped some of the soup onto the spoon. He eyed it thoughtfully before hesitantly swallowing it. He nearly gagged at the taste.
     "This is disgusting," Alec said. "Emphasis on 'disgusting'."
Izzy looked disbelieving. "I tried some before. It's really not that bad!"
Jace walked into the kitchen. "All of your food is rank."
Alec grinned, and Isabelle looked ready to murder Jace.
"My soup," Izzy said, her face fuming, "is perfectly fine." And with that, she turned the stove off, dropped the wooden spoon into the pot and stormed off. Jace watched her leave.
"Always thinks she's the best at everything, doesn't she?"
"Probably just hormones," Alec said.
Jace grinned devilishly.
"By the way, Clary is coming over for dinner. I could ask her to bring Sebastian if you want someone to talk to," Jace offered, his grin disappearing as if it were never there. Alec wondered if he actually did grin.
"Nah, it's cool," Alec said. He didn't need anyone to talk to, especially not Sebastian. He was always so indulged in himself that that was all he wanted to talk about. Sebastian was nice, but he was quite vain a lot of the time.
"Suit yourself," Jace said while walking out of the kitchen. Alec left too, unable to stand the smell of Isabelle's soup any longer.


The next day, Robert was alerting everyone about who was coming over in an hour.
"Asmodeus is coming over to discuss the new business cards," Robert was saying. "I either want all you kids on your best behaviour, or you can go and stray around for the time he is here. He's also bringing his son, so be mindful of that."

Alec wondered why someone would bring their son to a business meeting. Perhaps it was someone they all knew, anyway. That would definitely make the situation easier for Alec, as he was never the very social type.
"Don't worry, Dad," Jace said. "We will totally behave."
"Yea," Izzy said.
Alec was the only one who remained silent, but Robert already knew his eldest son wouldn't be any trouble.
"Mum's cooking?" Izzy asked.
"Yes," Robert replied.
"What? Did you think Mum and Dad were going to let you cook the dinner?" Jace asked. "You would of poisoned the poor man!"
Isabelle stuck her tongue out at Jace, where as Jace merely shrugged, a goofy look on his face. His golden eyes were lit up and full of love and humour.
"That's exactly what I mean when I say no goofing around," Robert said. "You kids can't mess this up, alright?"
The Lightwood children nodded.
"Well, I'm gonna change into something more appealing," Izzy stated, untying the apron she was wearing from baking disastrous cupcakes. Underneath, she was wearing a basic purple dress. She bolted up the stairs, running into her room. Alec went up to his and looked in the mirror.
His clothing style never changed, although his sweater didn't have any holes in it. He pulled his sweater off and looked at the black tee-shirt underneath. He left his jeans on and went back downstairs and crashed onto the white couch. He flicked on the television and settled on watching a documentary on wild animals. He enjoyed watching these kinds of documentaries.

At ten past three, the doorbell rang. Alec frankly wasn't bothered to turn the television off and greet dad's workmate, so he remained sitting where he was, watching the animal documentary.
     Alec could hear mumbled greetings in the hallway, and Dad's voice ringing around the house. "Kids, come meet my workmate!"
Alec groaned and switched the television off. He heard Izzy and Jace saying hello to the people in the hallway, so Alec walked out. He saw his entire family and a man wearing smart-casual clothing. Behind him stood Magnus. Odd, Alec thought. Why would he be here?
     "Alec, this is Asmodeus, and his son, Magnus," Dad said, gesturing to them. Alec was about the say something when Magnus spoke up.
"Actually, Alec and I have met before," he said, grinning. Izzy and Jace exchanged looks while Robert smiled.
"That's nice," he said.
Alec shook Asmodeus' outstretched hand. His fingers were calloused.
     "Shall we go and discuss the cards?"
Robert asked Asmodeus.
"Yes, we shall." Asmodeus looked towards Magnus. "Behave," he said, before following Robert into the dining room. Alec could hear the chairs screeching as they sat down, but he turned his attention back to his siblings and Magnus.
     "So, how do you two know each other?" Jace asked. Alec knew this would of come up eventually.
"We met at the business party," Magnus said, smiling. Jace smiled too.
"That's nice. Alec doesn't normally talk to anyone."
Sigh. Here we go.
     "Yeah, he's quite shy," Izzy said. Alec felt like face palming. Did anyone else think this situation was awkward?
Magnus shrugged. "Alec was the first one to introduce himself, actually."
Isabelle and Jace shared quizzical looks before bursting out with a fit of laughter.
"What's so funny?" Magnus asked, sounding genuinely curious.
     "I mean, come on. It's Alec," Jace said.
"He talks to like, no one," Izzy said.
"I'm serious, he did," Magnus said. Izzy and Jace stopped laughing, and instead showed faces full of sweet pride.
"Oh, my goodness!" Izzy exclaimed. "Alec, you're actually breaking out of your shell?"
Alec shrugged. "I guess." He said. "I don't know."
Isabelle looked extremely happy, and Jace was standing off to the corner, with a fond expression on his face. Magnus started laughing.
"The love you three have for each other is amazing," Magnus pointed out. Alec finally took notice of what he was wearing. He was wearing a button down shirt that was blue, exactly like the ocean. His orange and brown eyes were surrounded by a small amount of black eyeliner, and he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, that hugged his legs a little tighter than Alec would have expected. Alec suddenly felt underdressed. Jace was in one if his leather jackets, and all Alec had was an entire outfit in one colour: black. Plus, Izzy was wearing a dressy but not too dressy pale green dress that hugged her figure tightly.
     "So Magnus," Izzy began. "Do you work at the company too, or is it just your dad?"
"Just my dad," he said. "I don't fancy any of the selling houses stuff."
Izzy nodded. "Dad's trying to get me to join the business, but I want to be a teacher, or an artist."
Magnus seemed interested. "You know, you could be an art teacher?" he said. "That way you can be an artist and teach."
Isabelle looked as if she just cooked a meal that was magnificent.
"That is actually so smart. I would have never thought of that."
Jace chuckled slightly, but stopped as soon as he got a silencing glare from Izzy. Alec laughed at Izzy, and soon everyone was laughing naturally, even Magnus.

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